Friday, September 27, 2024

Music and Moods...

So sometimes things get a bit heavy in the mind and I look for a way out. I had a wonderful workout with the Legends group this morning. One lady, Julie had an announcement. She had an appointment with her oncology team for a follow up after a day of tests. She said she was apprehensive and a bit concerned as two PA's the oncologist doc, and other members of her cancer team crowded into the exam room.

Her voice and face lit up as she announced that the latest test results showed up with no cancer cells. Our small group cheered and she cried tears of joy. She was so happy to share the news with us. Her workout buddies.

I actually cried with her!

I decided right at that moment to send any negative thoughts and those black mental clouds to another universe. What was the fastest way to do that?


Joyful music.

I listen to Pandora and turned to the station called 'Happy Radio' on my way home from work. I found the black thought clouds being chased by songs. 

Pharrell Williams with Happy was the first song to hit.
Roy Orbison: Pretty Woman...
James Brown: I Feel Good
Manfred Mann: Do Wha Diddy...

and it only kept getting better. 

Once I unlocked some cheering music I found myself smiling for no reason. The sun was brighter, the air was fresher, and my steps were lighter. 

I was energized. When I got home I played some more happy music. I wore headphones so I wouldn't wake up hubby while I was hand pulling chicken breasts and making BBQ Chicken. I couldn't help myself but do a little dancing when 

The Contours came on with Do You Love Me?

Yeah. Get this I'm doing little funky dance moves in the kitchen with handfuls of chicken I'm shredding and turn to see my husband staring at me with a smirk on his face.

His comment? 

"I was wondering if you were just having a seizure or do you call that dancing?"

Of course I'll never forget seeing this for the first time by Boston Dynamics. Their Robot dancing to 

Do You Love Me?

It sure changed my whole outlook on things. 

I'm so glad I have the Happy Radio bookmarked on my Smartphone.

Do you have a way to brighten your moods???

Do share!


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I LOVE the video and every song you listed! Know them all. Of course you know how I feel about it in the barn when I'm doing chores and dance along. Danced my brains out all through High School and College! Lori. Let's keep doing it. You just made my day!!!!!!!

  2. I know some of those songs and can see why they would help or at least reinforce your mood.


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