Saturday, October 07, 2023

Odd things

It was a busy week filled with activities and goings on. We mowed finally and the yard looks decent for the first time this year.

I picked more grapes but didn't get quite enough of the wild ones to make a full batch so I'm going to mix the juice up with blackberries I picked and froze this summer. Grape-blackberry jelly! Yum.

I started to pull out my Fall/Halloween Stuff and mess around with it. After all, it is that time of the year to play with those things, errrr, well... you know, decorate a little. We don't dress up or really do anything for Halloween as we are so isolated and far from town. But I like to have my fun.

The wind up toys came in the mail one day a few years ago from a Flickr friend who thought I'd like them. Of course I do as I'd never would have thought to purchase them myself.

Who can resist a frog skeleton?
It is also the time of the year
for my Lego Skeletons 
to shine!

Poor Harriet, 
always in trouble!

Apparently the skeletons and the zombie
decided to have a 
dance party...

It seems someone likes to
make a grand entrance!

More fun with the froggy
and friends.

I have more small decorations that I have put up but haven't really done any photographing of it yet. Nothing will go up outside. I just have little things that are easy to move around and rearrange to my liking. I'm constantly moving stuff around.

The black and white shots were taken on black painted cardboard with a black painted cardboard back. I used my cell phone flashlight to highlight the scene. It is fun to experiment like this. Decorations are such a great challenge.

I went hiking with a 'new' friend this week. More about that later.

Our daughter [step] and her hubby came for a visit on Thursday which was a huge surprise.

That night Charlie was really sick with tossing up clear stuff. He was so miserable and awful that he wouldn't eat, drink, or even go outside. By mid morning I was ready to cart him off to the vet.

When Rich's daughter showed up Friday morning he went nuts.  He went out for her and did his business, then came in and ate his breakfast and acted as if nothing had bothered him at all!

Can dogs get depressed because they may be missing his pal Twila and then company? I don't know! 

Friday I hit all the Apple Orchards with Steph and Steve and purchased apple fritters, apple donuts, and some cherry cider. 

I found one of the gnarliest bumpy pumpkin ever! 

I expect with this dip in temperatures, I'll be busy with my fall jobs that prep for winter along with making some jelly and having some fun with Halloween 'Decorates' as my kids called it.

....And I need to get out and enjoy those last lovely displays of fall leaves!


  1. Poor Charlie, glad he is all better. Oh some dogs get so down in the mouth they can be sick. Hope he doesn't have another episode.

    1. Me too! I wonder if he just was missing all the guests he's had or was just worn out? I don't know. He is back to his normal self which is great. :)

  2. Just a thought...Charlie didn't wild grapes did he? They can make a dog sick.

    1. No he didn't. He wasn't with me when I picked them nor did I drop any. I dumped the skins and seeds in the mule pasture where he won't go. Good thought though!

    2. Good! Chance loved wild grapes and we finally got rid of all of ours because he would not leave them alone...he also loved rose hips but they are not toxic:)

    3. Charlie likes berries but can't reach where the wild grapes were, I had to use a ladder for part of it. It is over an old junk pile where he can't get into.
      If I gave them to him, I'm sure he'd eat them! :(
      But he is back to his regular routine now!

  3. Poor Charlie, it could have been loneliness. Glad he is feeling better! I love your Halloween windups. And the adventures of your skeletons!

    1. I think it must have been loneliness, he is doing better now and back to his normal self this morning.

  4. We watch two dogs play in their back yard a lot of times. One day the black dog went out by himself and just threw up a lot. Eventually he shook it off and went to the door to be let back in. I doubt the owners even knew what he had done. I babysat a dog once that swallowed one of my kids rubber toys. It took a day or two to get rid of it.


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