Monday, October 12, 2020

Conversation with a Low Rider

Charlie: Why do you call me Low Rider? 

Me: Because you have such short little legs.

Charlie: They seem fine to me. What about your long ones? Further to fall down I'd say.

Me: True, but I can walk long distances with fewer steps.

Charlie: But you can't see the little things on the ground!

Me: True. Like what?

Charlie: Like spiders. I like to watch spiders in the grass. I like to grab them. Moths too.

Me: So that is what you are doing when your nose is to the ground?

Charlie: Of course. Grasshoppers are interesting but taste prickly. Spiders, I don't like their taste either, but they are fun to watch. The ones with the very long legs.

Me: So if I am bug hunting...

Charlie: You should follow me...

Me: But I'd have to stop every few minutes...

Charlie: You need to chill out and learn from your dogs. Relax, don't sweat the Big Stuff.

Me: I guess. But..

Charlie: Like naps. And deer poop.

Me: Naps okay. Deer poo, no.

Charlie: You have NO taste! 

Me: What about you begging for steak when we have it?

Charlie: Oh that. Well. Let's get moving. Walkie...let's take a nap when we get back.

And we did.


  1. :) Hope you had a nice nap Charlie!

  2. Read it to the boys and they loved it.

    1. Thanks, he is a fun little guy! Hugs to you all!


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