Thursday, September 10, 2020

In search of ...Fungi and Fun

Finally we have had some rain! It was hard to go out and find one of my favorite things to photograph because it was SO dry! So I went to the creek before the scheduled rains and looked around for...

Tiny stuff found on the forest floor.....

I did find some extremely tiny fungi growing orange and red on moss...on a log in the creek. I actually could not see the individual forms without using the Microscope Mode on the Olympus Tough camera.

These were smaller than the point of a lead pencil!

This is what I found:

Ahhh, here is the totally cool Fungi I found! I love how they lined up on the log and there is a slug that seems to be visiting!

Fungi Family:

The supervisor was checking things out from the log above me:

Of course this was before the weather turned absolutely awful. The temperatures are in the 40's and there has been a bone chilling rain for 24 hrs. .

I pulled apart our cabin heater and cleaned it thoroughly, then got it started to warm up the house. 
Brrr! I cut up a small batch of tomatoes and some apples to dehydrate.
My loyal little soldiers are protecting my lids and jars so when I start making jelly from my summer haul of berries, I will have lids.

The tomatoes are slowly ripening and not many at a time right now.

So there it is. A very dull day. But I got a lot of indoor work done. Including attacking the cob webs downstairs. 

Meanwhile, if the weather stinks...
I'll look for things to do inside....while I wait for it to warm up later this week!


  1. It is good that you have canning lids they are in short supply. The fungi are very interesting it is great that you have a camera that can capture the tiniest things!

    1. I ordered lids about 3 months ago figuring that so many other people would be looking for them come tomato season. I see inquiries looking for lids on FB and even used ones...which my grandmother said were NEVER safe for re-use.
      I had someone give me 4 cases of new jars and lids two years ago. I took them and am happy I did.
      Now that it isn't raining, I may go looking for more fungi!
      Stay safe there! I heard there were frost warnings your way.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    The red/pink fungi looks like a bowl of grapes cut in half. Very pretty.

    1. Thanks, it is a variety of 'cup' fungi I think. There is a variety called fairy cups too...well, it is a common name and not the scientific name of course.


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