Friday, February 12, 2016

Wednesday Fun.

With morning temperatures in the below zero area, I decided not to take Mr. Morris for his morning walk.  

I thought I'd wait for a bit and perhaps take him out later.

I'd gone last Saturday to an indoor flea market in our local little town and had picked up some items for about $15 for my 52BeStill photography class.  I felt a few new items [or old!] might help with inspiration.

It did!  I set up some wooden boards on the floor after I'd hung out the laundry to freeze dry.  I got out the old white sheet and some chairs and began to play with some items.

Of course Morris had to get involved in setting things up.

After the wild soup was set up in the crockpot, I gathered my books and walked to my neighbor's house.  We had some fresh brewed chocolate coffee and I read to Allie and Logan.

Logan loved the way I growled and roared while reading the story about how Morris's toys found Terrible Tiger.
It was fun to see him point out Morris in the book photos and he even growled in imitation.

Story time ended and I went home to make sure all of our animals had nice fresh water.  I wore my heavy coveralls and rabbit fur lined bomber hat.  After a few trips with buckets, I was actually too warm.

After 3:30, Carson called and asked if we could meet up and go for a walk.  So I met them in the driveway and we went on a little adventure.

It is amazing what children can find to do in the woods. I think I can call this sport, rock jumping.

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