Last night I got off at midnight and headed for home in our first real snowfall.
Yes, it was quite slippery and the snow was coming down so hard it was hard to see where the road was.
[This is my gravel road...I turn at that bright yellow spot, this was the only place I dared to stop and take a picture!]
Sort of a white knuckle drive. Although I think it could have been worse if there was a lot of traffic on the road. I of course drove sensibly and took my time. After all, who else is out there hogging the road at that time?
I awoke this morning to a beautiful winter landscape. I'll be out in it later today to enjoy it.
Today is my the beginning of my weekend, so I'm lounging a bit this morning.
Last night I was asked by my sarge if I'd consider full time if it was offered. I did say that I would have to take it under consideration and learn more about the full time schedule and how it works, along with the insurance and other benefits. He then asked me if I'd consider an NSO position. This is a step up in pay of $5 an hour. I'd be silly to turn that down.
I completed all of the company's testing and finished my final Saturday night with a 100% score. This makes me 'senior' to the other person that was hired at the same time.
Well that is all work related and not very interesting.
But I may get to go out riding today!
Yahoo! No one will be on the neighbor's 300+ acres of land. I'll be dressing Opal in orange and 'driving' up deer.
If nothing else, it'll be fun to photograph!
Have a sweet Monday.
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