Saturday, March 08, 2025

March comes in like....

This week winter decided to come back with a vengeance in certain parts of the country. The shot below is one taken through our back door.

I love how its branches twist like old arthritic fingers. These trees are quite abundant in our forest near the house. I did hear that the CCC -- or the Civilian Conservation Corps may have planted the locust trees and pines as part of the reforestation project. I cannot prove or disprove it. The locust tree log once debarked makes a great wooden fence post. They last quiet a few years. 

The shot below is one of the Red pines that still live on our land. We have three left. When we moved here, there was a stand of Red pines where one of the sheds now resides.

These trees are old. I mean old old. I took 4 down last year that were dying and am grateful that they won't fall on the house. However, their shade when they were in their glory days was wonderful. Plus, the wind sighing through the needles make a most calming sound.

When I had to go retrieve mail in the last ice/snow storm this week, I thought I'd take the slightly longer way through the woods. It was pretty. However the gusting winds kept things creaking above my head so I returned to walking up the driveway. 

You know I had to walk Charlie and take my camera at the same time. When I got to the ridge and stopped to look, I figured out what was causing all of the creaking above me. 

We had rain that became ice before the snow hit. The trees were heavy with it. 

Since I'd left hubby napping, I didn't take much time to scout around like I usually do when I get the mail. I generally take a round about route to tour my favorite part of the forest.

However, we are trying to establish a new routine of sorts.

Sorting and resorting the medications and the medication changes are quite the chore. 

I'm also trying to master some indoor photography. I had a bit of fun. Mostly though I have been too tired from the week to do a whole lot.

Nina took her goats for a walk and had to have a dog help her keep her goats together.

[The fake foliage is actually a cheap pack of plastic fish tank plants! The green is a green fake grass mat. The rocks are what the fake plants were stuck in. How fun is that?]

I've got an idea or two to work on this week. It is so muddy and windy outside that I gave up on trying to set things up right close to the house in the yard.

Hello March. What a month you already have been!


  1. Oh I like the goat herder! You really got the snow, the ground is bare here but I hear there is a big storm coming at the end of the week.

    1. We are snowless again, but very muddy. I heard about that storm, everyone is talking about it.

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    So glad that you two are at home and can get in a little "action" here and there. All the best to Rich. I hope he can give you something to smile about everyday. Lori

    1. Oh he does make me smile. Thank you!

  3. Glad to see you are back to creating new worlds! We woke up to snow, too. It was the perfect kind, clinging to the trees, covering the grass but just wet on the road (by the time I was out and about).

    1. Our snow is already gone since we only got an inch of rain and then an inch of snow/ice that melted right away. :)

  4. The sound of trees creaking in the wind is music to my ears, but it needs to be heeded too. Forestry workers aptly referred to falling branches as widow-makers, but in your case they could equally well be widower-makers! Probably a wise decision to get back onto the driveway.

    1. Yes. I know all about Widow Makers as hubby used to cut all of his dad's firewood.
      I've seen some pretty bad ones in my time. I also was surprised once on a trail with a large oak that just fell over. It was tilted so I chose to go around it and came down.
      The noise was incredible and my heart rate soared!
      Thank you.

  5. Speaking of March and winter, it is snowing tis morning of the time change, in which I didn’t get enough sleep, change or not.

    I am not really doing any photography. This morning I posted some of Sue’s recent work. I should do better, but I don’t do well indoors, and outdoors is abysmal these days.

    Good to see you posting here. I really like the sketchy look of the third photo.

    1. Thanks, I took several shots but this one stood out. I was just shooting and moving as fast as I could.
      I gave that tree a bit more detail and contrast when I made it black and white.

      I used to hate anything indoor photography, so I took a free class to do still life and found out that I didn't hate it so bad.
      Sue's pictures are wonderful. I bet you can't wait to get out and enjoy spring weather!


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