Friday, March 14, 2025

I get by with a little help...

 my friends....

Wednesday was multiple errands day. Jason the Geologist showed up Tuesday afternoon with his fluff balls Piper and Felix. While Rich napped, I took the fluff balls, Charlie, and Jason for a walk down to the creek.

Jason immediately started to look for cool rocks and started giving me a lesson on geology and held up different rocks that he named. 

He has a Masters in Geology . He did teach for a while until politics of Governor Walker introduced Act 10 which removed significant rights for state and local government employees in 2011 by removing their ability for collective bargaining. Jason is an activist and protested at the capitol. 
He seriously believes in people's rights and has gone to bat for veteran's rights and other rights. 

Jason was chatting on and on when I walked up to him and told him to be quiet. He blinked, he looked at me and then I said:

Shut UP!
Stop Talking
 Shut your eyes...
Hear the Quiet!

he did just that...
I watched my friend who 
suffers from anxiety
suddenly sigh with his eyes closed.

We stood for a bit and then just before we turned back to go up the hill, we were serenaded by Barred Owls calling in the valley. Their calls echoed through the hillsides.

You'd think with 3 dogs in the house it would be chaos. However, it wasn't. 

Jason cooked supper [a vegetarian supper] and cleaned it up too. Rich chose to eat pizza. We chatted a bit and it was time for bed.

I was able to run several errands on Wednesday without worrying about Rich being alone. He didn't have to transfer to the bed from his wheelchair without someone close by. His abilities are better than the first few days home from the hospital. 

Jason's photo of my foot, Charlie, and Piper who was snuggling me on the couch.

 Wednesday afternoon while Rich napped we took another walk with the dogs to burn off their energies.

We had mud puppy tumbleweed dogs who were thoroughly happy. Felix and Piper both wore jackets so we could see them clearly in the areas that were colored just like them.

The weather was beautiful and we spent another quiet afternoon with Rich. Chatting until he needed another nap. 

I had a second meal of Kale chips [yum] and a vegetarian bratwurst. I can say without harming anyone's feelings, that I'd go for the real deal from the grill any day. Something about that juicy and slightly burnt brat makes my mouth water a bit more.

Thursday was the Home Health Aide visit. Rich enjoyed seeing Allie. She really knows how to make an old fart smile as she gives him a bath in his wheel chair.

I finally received the updated reports through MyChart on Rich's ER visit and his stay in the hospital along with his blood tests.

I'll probably update that on The Long Road later.  I can say this. Hospice was really the only choice and the best choice.

Jason's photo of Felix on the porch,
Charlie on Jason's lap, 
and Piper in out there blending
in with the brown grass.

I can't say enough about my good friends and neighbors. 


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    So glad you have great neighbors and could get outdoors for a while. I would rather be outside over indoors any day. Spring has arrived here. I am so not ready for summer temperatures though. Our high was 88F yesterday! 😳 RHill, TX

  2. What a great friend to provide respite, food and company ~ plus Charlie enjoyed a sleepover with furry friends!

    I wanted to like Kale Chips. Really I did. So many of my friends/family love them. Made them for the first time last growing season, and our household found them yucky. Including me. Perhaps it is an acquired taste. For now, I will continue putting kale in our smoothies & salads.

    1. It may be the way he seasoned and baked them. So I don't know. I'll eat kale raw too. It is just another wonderful green.
      I've dehydrated them also to powder up and drop in soups.

      Yes, having a friend over was nice and he didn't overstay either.
      It is supposed to get hot today!

    Sorry … slight pun intended.
    CAPS unintended.

  4. Thank goodness for friends! Both you and Rich get the support that you need! A of my grands is a vegetarian and dairy free ...that complicates foods even more!

  5. Sorry to hear about your difficult times right now. A friend network is so critical. Wish I could have Jason join me on some hikes. I have tons of geology questions that I can't answer. That being said, I love desert solitude and prefer quiet hikes. Many of my all time favorite hikes have been solo.


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