Saturday, March 15, 2025

It's a Lego kind of day

One of our visitors brought a set called Plum Blossom on her visit. She knows how much Rich likes to sort the pieces of Legos into colors and shapes for me.

Yesterday afternoon when the temperature outside reached 79 F.... 26 C, we decided to open windows and let the breezes into the house for fresh air. 
I turned on some 60's music and opened up the box.

We were ready.
Rich said he wasn't in the mood for it. 

However when I dumped the pieces in two pie tins, he went right to work.

He laughed when I brought out the Mini-us folk. He wondered why Charlie was helping. I pointed to the dog in my lap. 

Of course! Silly dog! He has to be in on everything!


When we get the plum blossoms built, I will fill our display table with all of our Lego botanicals to brighten up the house. I'll have tulips, orchids, and vases to fill with color. And they won't die on me!

So far so good.

and it is pretty!!!


  1. I have been very tempted by the Lego flower sets! I am not a Lego builder but I have several grandchildren who might be talked into it. What wonderful colors and what a beautiful project. I am glad they inspired Rich to help. And I just love your "mini yous".

    1. You may not be a Lego person but sit with the kids and build with them and you may find out that you enjoy it. It is calming and fun to do.
      AND...the flowers never die! I just dusted off all my botanicals and put them up for spring colors.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    It is pretty! Way to go engaging Rich in a great activity. Far side

    1. He says it is a waste of time, but he gets in there and does the sorting!

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I've never been a lego person but I sure appreciate your creativity and all the fun you have. Leave it to Rich, to kick in and help. Lori

  4. Once the desire to photograph toys hits you, it just won’t lego.

  5. Very nice! Especially that Rich helped and you are still enjoying making Lego memories together <3

    The flat brown base pieces remind me of Hershey Chocolate bar sections lol. I've noticed Lego has released an increasing amount of botanical sets for sale. Easy to care for flowers must be popular.

    Incase I haven't said it before, I think of you every time I see a Lego and/or set :)

  6. I've never even held a lego block! The vase and flower id pretty. You really had a warm day!


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