Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mini - vacation

Me, before coffee, even if it is decaf. Yep, I feel very ogre-ish.

However, I slept well for being in a hotel and in a downtown location.

I was in bed by 8:30. No night life for me! 🤣, I did take a walk along the back side of the hotel. So many people were out either at parties on the Marina or fishing quietly along the rocky shoreline.

I was really tempted to grab my camera and take some pictures from the promenade by Harbor Park.

I decided that sleep was more tempting.

I struck gold at the BAM-- bricks and Minifigures store by scoring the purchase of a hard to find Ogre and some other minifigs.

The Ogre was the one next to the brewing coffee....

I even built a custom minifig. She is the blonde with the sword.

I got to have supper with Rory and Mom and Dad. 

No pics of Rory, we don't post them. However, I can say that she is as cute as a button and full of smiles. as all get out!

Saturday greeted me wayyyy too early. I woke at 3:30 and tried like heck to get back to sleep. Which never happened. However, I did get brave and walk out part of the way to the Art Promenade near Harbor Park.

The winds were fierce coming off the lake but I decided to try a 'long' exposure of the morning light anyway. This is a cell phone shot which didn't do the dawn sky any justice at all. The promenade is on the right and I was still on the street with this shot. 

I haven't taken anything off from my good camera yet because...well...

because I have been too busy! No time for anything but fun with Aurora...Rory, and mom and dad!

I mean, who can pass up the chance to have meals, play time, drive time, hike time, and more play time ....with this little charmer????

LOL...don't you just love faces hidden? That is okay. I don't mind. Mom and Dad have made the choice to not post her face and I totally get it. Too much media these days!

So there she is! Crawling and do all those great things little ones do!

This is just a quick synopsis of me on my mini vacation!

Hubby's supper delivered to him last night by Olive!!!
Morel mushrooms and Pepperoni Pizza.

What a great time I am having being ON my Own... on a mini vacation...

and enjoying such a great time with my wonderful son and his wife...

and even more fun enjoying Rory!




[yeah...and I even sort of learned a new game which I was too tired to comprehend last night]

I'll be back home tonight but don't hold your breath. I may have to recover from all of this fun!


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    When your bases are all covered, you can do things like this! Sounds like you had such a great time. Love that middle of the night photo of the harbor. Lori

  2. I am pleased you have had this opportunity. It's a good thing when there are people who have your back so you can have some time with your family.

  3. Glad you got to get-a-way and enjoy a fun filled family vaycay! Wow that Olive, you have the best neighbors.

  4. I am so happy for you, just what you needed to recharge those caregiving batteries! Your Grand is just perfect and I imagine as cute as she can be!!

  5. Oh I am so HAPPY you got a chance to get away on this visit. It sounds like things could have have gone better. We can see right through that star and know she is absolutely lovely and is smiling in happiness - it just radiates. What a cutie pie. I bet you feel light years lighter. And the BAM store finds are the bomb!

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    If it is what works for you, then good for you. I am sure I will see some more photos either here or there or in both places. /AC


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