Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The melt is over!

I went out on our 60 degree day and walked my riding trail after exploring the creek.

The snow melt is over.  The water was dripping off from the rocky wall on the north side of the creek.  I just love the details in moss, it is so delicate and beautiful.
It is also the spot to find 'green' this time of year.

I found ice still on the rock wall that rarely sees sunlight.  I expect that it will slowly disappear this week with the above freezing temperatures also.

I found a toy that we'd lost in January in the wall!  How odd is that?
One of the 'My Little Ponies' that my grand daughter had given me to take photos of had disappeared.
I didn't know where on earth I'd lost it.

Apparently when they were visiting in January for the day, and we'd taken a hike to the Ice Wall, we left the pony behind.

Well no harm done!

The March winds have come in blowing like crazy.
We are under a Fire Concern because of the dry winds.

Funny how quickly we can go from snow and ice to dry conditions!
We have no rain forecast for a few day.  Now we are hoping for rain as it will make things green up around here.

Oh, and the Robins have come back!
Looks like spring intends to stay.

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