Saturday, September 14, 2024

The colors red

 ..and other inspiring ideas....

Sometimes after a having an dry spell of ideas and lack of motivation one needs ... something. Early this morning I looked around the internet and read a few things then looked at some blogs. Most of them had to do with photography.

Well that added to my motivation and joy. So much so that I was able to go out and look for opportunities.

These are Highbush Cranberries taken last week when Charlie and I took an afternoon walk up the road to check these plants out.

Here is the difference from July 1st of this year:

And here is the photo I took of the berries this morning...

I thought Red! Red! It is the color of holidays, of cheer, of bright and beautiful things. 

I have been following this bush since spring. Oddly enough, I've never gotten a photo of this bush in flower. I hope to get it this coming spring so I can complete my 'journey' of watching it through the season. 

I should mark it with a little flag before it drops its leaves as it will be hidden amongst all the other brush this winter.

Nanny Berry Red! Apparently after red, they will turn dark purple or black colored.

Nannyberry on July 1st of this year. No photos of the flowers this year. Again, I need to flag it somehow.

And then just your run of the mill Sumac. Truly though, they do add so much color to the roadsides!

Of course, there is always this in red....
A Ninja Minifig helping to trim flowers....

And in the spirit of the coming Fall season...
A Vampire Knight... in Red....

Some shots from the morning's walk to the meadow as the sky burst out with color.

The last shot is looking west from the pasture south of the house. This is probably the only other spot I can get a full view of the sky without the forest or trees crowding the sky.

That was my Red Theme for the day. September has been providing us with some amazing morning skies ... finally!


  1. Those are amazingly beautiful sky shots. I am a fan of red and am fortunate that I can wear it, because I like to! The red of the berries is vibrant.

    1. Thank you, the colors were pretty amazing. Now to challenge myself to another color theme.

  2. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Man! You get some unbelievable sky shots! Lori

    1. The past few mornings have been unbelievable for sunrises. Thanks so much!

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    LD. Wonderful reds. Color is so exciting especially with its complementary colors in the background. The sky shots are stunning.

    1. We are on a sunrise streak! 4 mornings in a row! I was so surprised and amazed also. All year we had dull skies. Now! Blast off!

  4. What lovely color theme and what vibrant reds! It just makes me happy to look at them!

    1. Reds are one of my favorite colors too. But then I love all vibrant colors.

  5. Red is the best. I love wearing red. Our sky was pretty plain this morning, but I did manage to get a bit of orange before it faded to blah.

    1. I wear a lot of bright colors and red used to be favorite of all.

  6. I love to wear red!
    Do you harvest the cranberries?

    1. No, there are only two clumps and I'm not sure which type they are. I only admire them!
      I don't know if they are the true North American Highbush or European.

  7. You sound like you feel better!!! I saw some High Bush Cranberries the other day I should have stopped and got a photo...such a bright color berry!

    1. There is one in a garden at the Reserve where I go that is just immense and so stunning!
      They are so bright! The only ones left are near the ground and under leaves. I imagine birds eat them.

  8. Absolutely Beautiful Images, those Red Berries in particular. Are they an actual edible Cranberry?

  9. Red really stands out in the sea of green right now. I spotted clustered red berries in our woods, and was curious what they might be. Thought perhaps Highbush Cranberries. Had no idea what they looked like. After seeing your great shots, now I know what I found is different.

    We have two very red (and different) berries on our land right now. One is a tree, the other a bush. The latter I assume is poisonous. Nothing is touching it, including me.

    On our drive home yesterday, I was surprised to see dry induced Fall colors in the bluffs starting. With no rain in the forecast, it looks like red color chrome will be early this year.

  10. You really are fun to read!
    I just found a little Lego hero cleaning up in the basement. The grandies are 14 & 16, and I'm not sure what to do with it!


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