Thursday, September 05, 2024

Of Dragons and Princesses. Just for fun.

So ever since I found those cute little 3D printed dragons while shopping with my Granddaughter, I've been caught up in my love for dragons.

I did imagine the dragons needing help in some way from other dragons. I did imagine that there needed to be villains and a heroes.

But dragons can look so fearless and ferocious. 
Or they can be cute and charming.

What if. Princess Sara's Quest and Destiny is part of a bigger picture? What if her destiny as Lego Princess is to save a Dragon from Lego Monsters?  How would she find out?

The Frog told her months ago that she just needed to keep wandering and her Quest would become evident. [That was me thinking...I don't know where the h-ll this story is going, but I'll keep having fun]

Surely if the Rock Monsters steal the precious legendary dragon egg, you'd think that the dragons would do anything to get it back.

But rarely are fantasy stories ever that direct. There's always mystical magical stuff going on. Always a Quest or a Good Deed to be done. 

There is Good and Evil, and Finding Your Way through Self Exploration. The main character must be tested and tested again.

And what on Earth does a Magical Frog have to do with all of it other than he set her on her course.

[Actually, with the original post, it was all about making a build from a video that Four Bricks Tall had made about mirrors and extending backgrounds. I named it  Princess Sara and the Frog's Quest in March of this year.] 

Off and on all summer I've tried to figure out exactly what her Quest should be. I knew IF I wandered aimlessly and let my creative mind echo in my brain that eventually I'd figure out something.

I didn't mean for it to become a story in my head or in photos. But it just seems to happen.

I suppose it is a form of play and a form of learning to relax the brain.

I think I'm finding my way. Or should I say, the story is playing itself out bit by bit. I just have to follow it.

The Forest Dragon, Emerald has heard of a Legendary Warrior Princess who welds great powers who could save all of the dragons from extinction. Perhaps it is her destiny also to save The Egg that has been stolen by the Rock Monsters. 

That Egg has been said to hold a Mythological Dragon that can also unite all dragons and people. Cracks had formed in the Egg which meant the Dragon was to be born soon.

He spots Princess Sara in the woods and notices her incredible and strong aura of strength and perseverance.

How could he approach such a magnificent warrior woman without being slain? He knows that all almost all Princesses, Kings, and Knights regularly slay dragons! 

He must, must find a way...

Princess Sara and Joan of Knight are still trudging along and wandering the deep forest, searching for an answer to her quest.

And deeper in the woods. Emerald contacts Yoga [yes, a pun on Yoda from Star Wars]. 

Yoga promises to contact the Mystical Frog to relay the dragon's plight.


With this play, my mind stays active and my love for photography gets challenged by having to create a 'scene' and the photos are like a story board.

What better way to keep exploring my inner sense of kid and relaxation at the same time.

Hmmm, or is it my subconscious trying to figure out a way to deal with being a Caregiver that has to stay close to home and cannot go on all the travels she had planned to do after she retired?

Stay tuned to meet a new character in the Princess Saga.



  1. You have a fantasyastical imagination, but it yields some good photos, especially the final two.

    1. Thank you! I enjoyed trying to set them up and that little dragon kept falling over. I think the challenge is positioning them and there is so much fun in that.

  2. We do what we have to in order to stay sane...housebound is a challenge. You are doing a good job Val!

    1. Maybe this is the way I can travel and explore...or at least feel as if I am doing so.

  3. Fabulous Photos! And a great story. I love it!

    1. Yes! Thank you! I know how much you enjoy your doll house and that to me is wonderful play too. As well as how you decorate your house for events. It takes so much creativity and imagination.

  4. Whatever reason you do this, I do enjoy your journey. As a homebound person, the trips you take me on are mystical and appreciated.

    1. You understand it! Play is how I get away and enjoy myself without really going anywhere!

  5. Nicely done, all of it! The sky is the limit, as a person can go anywhere with ones imagination!!

    1. Thank you so much! I love playing and Still Life is one of those ways of doing that.

  6. Anonymous8:15 PM

    LD…That pitcher with the purple dragon is so beautiful. I enjoyed all of your photos and story lines too. I have been hospital bound for so long that I will take shots of about anything.

    1. Thanks, I have collected fun little cups and pitchers over the years and enjoy doing Still Life! That little purple dragon is one of my favorites!


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