Monday, September 23, 2024

Night Moves...

We had waves of storms come through after over the weekend. The hail storm sounded absolutely wicked and put holes in the leaves in my remaining flowers around my porch. 

The sky cleared up, the temperatures rose quickly and then another wave came in, thankfully without any hail.

I caught this sky looking southwest late in the afternoon. They are called Crepuscular Rays. I used to call them just Rays. Grandma called them God's Rays. All cool names.

It was a good afternoon to do a deep cleaning of the little house. That was pretty boring, but necessary since I really hadn't made an effort while I was sick.

Between storms I had a chance to take Charlie out for a nice walk and let him inspect the forest floor and scents. When we came out of the woods, the sun was shining, but I could hear what sounded like a Herd of Trucks in the distance. To the northwest was another storm front heading in.

Just before I went to bed I stepped out on the porch to watch Charlie do his night time thing and saw lightening in the distance along with stars.

What was even more amazing was the fact I could see the Milky Way. By October the Milky Way will 'set' and I won't be able to see it again until late February or later. In the shots below, it is faint, but still can be seen despite the light in the clouds. I was pretty excited to catch so much action.

Lucky for me, we have dark skies here. Only one neighbor who is 1/2 mile off uses a yard light. My immediate neighbor shuts off their outdoor light at night so they can enjoy the stars.

The next morning was fresh and wonderful. I put Little Richard out for his last few days of fresh grass on the hillsides were it is difficult to mow.

He has been with us for 26 year and has had a job doing yard work each summer. He is probably the most handled animal I have on our land. At least twice a day I am leading him either to a new spot or over to the hydrant for some water.

He is a good boy who is getting quite grey in the face. However, the way he still acts, you'd never know he was 30 years old.


  1. Aw! I like Richard!
    Those sky shots are amazing. I seldom go out in the dark, too many bugs and 4-legged critters!
    Hail can be so damaging. Such storms you had.

    1. The photo was from our porch, so this time I didn't go very far.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Whoa! Is that weather headed this way? I love Lil' Richard! Lori

    1. I don't know, that was Saturday's weather so it may be there or petered out by now.

  3. What a good photo of Little Richard! We had storms roll through here too. I think we got about 3 inches of rain. I love those rays...I always was told that it is moisture...I always thought they were from heaven:)

  4. Yup, Little Richard is a pretty cute guy.
    Yes, I think I've heard the same about those rays..


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