Sunday, September 01, 2024

Spiders, Stars, and stuff

Happy September.

Things certainly have changed as far as daylight is concerned. In a way, I do like the way the hours are arranged right now. The daylight is just about perfect as well as the temperatures for the past two days.

I won't complain. 

Oddly enough, I don't miss the trees that got taken down. This morning while it was still dark, I had an unobstructed view from the porch of the stars in the sky. I was able to see Orion's Belt clearly. The photo is taken with my cell phone using Night Sight on my Google Pixel phone. I imagine that the better models take even neater shots. But I am happy with this.

Yesterday morning started off with Olive showing up and supervising me changing my tire to a donut errrr, spare. We pulled two shards of metal out of the tire and I'll take it to a tire shop on Tuesday to have it fixed. I learned a couple of things. Have a real Universal Lug Nut tool. What comes with the car is a wimp. The jack worked fine and I got hands on experience through the whole process. Now I am confident that I can change a tire. 

Olive spent 3 years driving her car on back roads delivering mail. She said she'd have to change a tire at least every few weeks and repair it. It was so nice of her to spend time teaching this old dog a new trick. 

I decided to take Saturday OFF. I have 15 t posts to drill back into the ground and replace hotwire. But since the mules were happy with the meadow out back and access to the forest, I didn't worry about it.

I did my morning fence check out back.

And...even the wildlife was taking it easy.

In my garden, I was delighted to find Crab Spiders everywhere in my yellow cosmos! If you want to see a larger size of the spiders, then click on the photo and it will show you a larger size!

These guys are ambush spiders. They don't build webs, but wait for prey and then grab them. They are not harmful to people.

Aren't they pretty?

I have a volunteer Sunflower that grew about 4 feet tall on the edge of the porch. Here is a female goldfinch visiting the sunflower. 

I have one porch window that I keep spotless and without a screen to serve as a 'blind' so I can shoot through the glass and not disturb the birds.

A bit later we had several Titmouse visiting the Sunflower. These two were not in the sharing mood.

The Merlin Bird app sent out a message that Migration has now begun. The large Sandhill Cranes are moving along with so many other large birds. 

I knew migration had begun as I've kept note of those birds who have left.

Now, IF I can get my fence done and a few other things out of the way, I can get on a bike trail that runs through Richland County and follows a river and some marshes. What a great way to see migrating birds!

Happy September 1st.

Enjoy the weather.

Today it is cool enough for Charlie and I to enjoy a nice long afternoon walk.


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    We have at least a couple hundred sunflower blossoms and the birds love them. They get so huge (one was over 9 feet) they fall over, then we cut them and tie them to our picket fence so the birds can eat the seeds. I have never changed a tire by myself and also have a Subaru (leased). When we had a flat from a screw in the tire, the service showed up in an hour and put on the donut. Little did I know they could plug the hole in the original tire so we did not have to buy a new one. Lori

    1. Yes, the hole can be plugged but it has to be done by a tire shop as we tried it and couldn't do it with a cheap fix it kit.
      Service out here could be ... well, unless it is a tow which takes hours, service for that is non existent.

  2. Happy September, Val! It's going to be a beautiful day here, too. I'll finish mowing the lawn. You will ride a bike, I will ride a mower. Your phone did a really good job capturing the sky.

    1. I may walk the ridge today. Or may have to supervise hubby mowing the yard. At least the fencing is done.
      maybe I'll do nothing for a day!

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Happy September 1, I’d do know where I was through all of the last month. I think we will be home for most of the month now. When they clean up the whole mess from the trees 🌲 it is like they were never there!

  4. Good luck getting your work done. We're finding it a bit hard these days. We had the kids come and I am coughing again. sigh.
    I love those crab spiders!

    1. Thankfully, I was able to get the fence done.
      Awww man, coughing again. That makes things so hard!

  5. Happy September! I like that spider just fine where it is, in your photos!! Titmouse are so cute. Never seen one in person, although they are considered common bird feeder visitors. Just not mine lol.

    It is good to take breaks. Enjoy your bike ride! We haven't gotten out to pedal or paddle in over a week.

    1. I won't get out to pedal until my list of other to do's are completed or at least scheduled. Frustrating, but that is how the ball bounces.

  6. I saw a facebook post that mentioned sweet fern, and I see that it is the plant in your blog background. Thought you might enjoy this info:
    In the time before refrigeration, Ojibwe folks kept their blueberry harvest fresh by lining their birchbark storage containers with a plant called sweet fern that often grows right alongside blueberry bushes!
    The leaves of sweet fern produce a compound called gallic acid,
    which is a potent anti-microbial and keeps harmful bacteria like salmonella from growing on the berries.
    It's name in the Ojibwe dialect
    I've learned is "giba`iganiminzh" meaning "it covers the berries" because of this usage and its contribution to keeping the precious staple food of minan (blueberries) fresh!
    I don't use a birchbark container but I do pop a few sprigs of sweet fern into my gathering bag when out picking and then into my tupperware when storing berries to remember and utilize the gifts of this wonderful plant!
    (Sweet fern can also be used as a medicinal tea to help the intestines and colon!
    And when added to a fire, the smoke will help keep away mosquitos and horse flies--in addition to smelling lovely!)

    1. That is a beautiful fern and I don't even recall where I photographed it.
      Interesting stuff! Thank you!

  7. Happy September, you have been real busy! Those spiders are fun to see. Nice flowers too!

  8. Wow! Spiders that don't build webs. What a world!

    Good thinking about no window screen. Priorities!


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