Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Uff..dah... that cold!

Yup. Monday evening the slightly sore throat I had all weekend turned into a wonderful feverish cold. I had a temperature and everything.

The general feeling of being run over by a dump truck is pretty sucky. 

I confined myself to the porch or to an upstairs bedroom. I knew rest was needed. 

I told hubby that he and Charlie were 'on their own' for the afternoon while I hid out upstairs. I slept for hours and hours. When I got up, ....

someone...had fed Charlie his supper, let him out and brought him back in. He was also able to make instant oatmeal for supper and he was able to remember to take his meds!

I ate some jello and headed back upstairs for the night. 

By morning, the fever was gone but the head cold settled in to make itself a nuisance.

I went out for fresh air and found those beauties in the pasture. Pumpkins and gourds! I generally toss pumpkins and squash innards out in one of the fenced in areas near the house. The mules eat pumpkins and squash also. I imagine the seeds were stomped into the ground over winter and viola! I have gourds and wild looking pumpkins from last year growing hither...thither, and yon.

I guess I'm going to save seeds from these exotic looking things again for next year! I paid $10 for a warty pumpkin decoration last year and it looks like I'll have several more on the vine.

I'm a seed saver so I can plant my favorite things over and over. My seed table. Each container is saved and reused. Some of the seeds need quite a bit of time to dry out. I use silica packets that come with hubby's meds to keep the seeds dry again until spring. This is my mess.

Favorite flowers to gather are, sunflowers, nasturtium, 4 o'clock, zinnia, blue cosmos, orange cosmos, and
morning glories. This year I'm going to add some seed heads from the Bee Balm and see if I toss them in another garden they will grow!

I'm going to order a large packet of bachelor buttons for one of the spots I have for next year. I have some volunteer Malva coming up alongside the house that I will relocate.

I think I am ready for a makeover of the gardens and a clearing out of what is on the west side of the house now that the trees are gone.

But today? 
I need to get all those errands done that I put off. Including getting that flat tire fixed!

Hopefully, I can take the Out of Order sign down and get back to business.


  1. Nice haul out of the pasture! Hope you have a good day and feel better!! Have a nap!

    1. I will! I can't take the car in until tomorrow, so another day stuck at home and behaving myself.
      Or something.

  2. I hope you feel better soon. You're not built for resting in bed.

    1. Nope. I hate it! I read 3 library books in 3 days. I dislike being still.

  3. Great that your hubby stepped up. Shows that Rich can, when needed.

    Oh my gourd! Such awesome Fall decor. It is pricey when purchased. I didn't get variety the year I tried my saved seeds. Instead, I got 20 plus of the same gourd lol. That was the year my grandkids had a ghoulish gourd hunt in the pines.

    Take 'er easy Val and feel better!

    1. I'll have a few of the bumpy ones and I imagine they are being crossbred with the white ones and some others as they are all lumped together in one spot.
      In a year or so, I'll see what I get from saved seeds!

      I am taking it easy...ish. Making car appts and hay appts as well as farrier appts.

  4. I have never been able to sleep my illnesses away like that. It's a gift although the cold itself sure wasn't.

    It must be autumn; that's the second seed-saving post this morning.

    1. Ahhh! Yes, my grandmother taught us well. Save the seeds, spend less, have more!
      Some say that September 1st is really the natural start of Autumn.

  5. I'm so sorry, it's hard when the caregiver is sick! I am going on 14 days with my silly cold. It gets worse, then better, than worse again. I told my husband I feel 80% better. But I'm not sure if that means I am 80% or just 80% better than last weekend.

    1. Yes, the head cold might last longer but at least I can get things done like feeding the animals.
      I hope you start to feel much better!
      I have no idea what I'd do with grade school kids...meaning I know my neighbors with littles deal with so many types of sniffles coming home from school.
      You are a rock star!

  6. Those are some crazy looking pumpkins! I had pumpkins growing at the back of the manure pile one year, the seeds had been tossed in there. It's good to know someone can do some basics when you aren't able to!

  7. The gourds, fun. The cold, not so much. Sounds like you are better, though.

  8. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Sorry you were down enough to take a very long nap! Feel better! Must be so proud of your husband! Lori


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