Friday, September 06, 2024


After a week of feeling like crap, I'm finally doing better.

I found out what it is like to be short of breath and feel as though I was wading through mud up to my shoulders. It is not a good feeling and I empathize with anyone who has experienced this.

This was a strange one for me. Sore throat for a day and then a fever for a day. Finally, the feeling of not being able to breath for days. I could breathe, but the feeling was horrible. 

I did get out last Friday early in the morning to see my friends the Orb Spiders and enjoy some quiet time before the tree guys came in with their machinery.

I don't think I will ever see this sort of scene without gasping. Just imagine if you were afraid of spiders, how would you react?

This is about 5 acres of meadow and it all looks like this when the Orb Weavers are busy. They actually are around in the spring, but they are tiny. They mature in the fall and the Females build large webs, the males sometimes build webs too.

More about Orbweavers here from the BugLady who writes for UWM Saukville, WI. Her site is full of cool information about insects. She actually has a featured blog for Bug of the Week.

A small Orbweaver according to the BugLady's latest news on Orbweavers, this could be a male...

Beautiful webs...

All I know is that I had to carefully poke my lens alongside one web to photograph this spider from the side. I was looking to get the dew drops on its body and the amazing maze of webs behind him/her.

This year has been pretty sad for butterflies. I saw one Monarch flutter by this week and am hoping that my Zinnias attract more! I spent one afternoon chasing a Swallowtail earlier this summer on the Bee Balm, but haven't seen one since late July.

When I look back on my archives on I noticed that I didn't get a lot of shots of Monarch until the start of September. So perhaps I need to be patient and keep an eye out for them. I had shots of Monarchs from September 1st through October 2nd.

A shot from last year:

In the meantime. I'm going to be grateful I can breathe much easier and I actually feel like making supper.

No more spiders today. Maybe I can find some awesome and cool looking fungi this weekend now that I feel like doing something again!


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I've never known you to be sick for a week! Glad you are on the mend. Now you know how I felt when I was short of breath all that time before I got my pacemaker. When it's muggy, breathing gets a little harder if I am active. Stay well! Lori

    1. Now I also get a feeling for what it is like for my husband to try and breathe each day too. It is not something to brush off lightly.

  2. Glad you feel better! Hope you keep improving! IWe saw a Monarch today but have only seen a few all Summer. The orb weavers are really something:)

    1. Yes those orb weavers are incredible and brilliantly colored too. Their artwork is amazing.

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I lost all of my butterfly weed last winter and none came back from seed this year. I have only a couple of monarchs this year when we used to have dozrns. ☹️ RHill, TX

    1. Oddly enough my butterfly weed did not come back this year either. But I have hope to see Monarchs if I am patient.

  4. Great collection of delightful photos.

  5. I haven't seen any monarchs and very few of any other butterflies. We used to be swarming with monarchs. I didn't know about orb spiders until you posted about them. I'm happy for you feeling well again. You need you outdoors time.

    1. I am alive, but not there yet. Breathing feels weird, so I am still going on walks but not hiking hard or very far.

  6. So good to hear you are feeling better. No fun feeling crummy. Sure makes a person appreciate feeling better/normal again. Cool pics!

    1. Better. But not up to snuff yet. Normal might be a while off, but I am so much better than last week.


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