Monday, September 16, 2024

The color yellow

I thought that I'd go with another color. I picked a really difficult one.

This is one of the pumpkins that grew as a volunteer plant in the pasture. It isn't truly yellow, but it is yellow and orange. Maybe orange can be the next color I target.

I chose to go out very early in the morning and look for yellows. This was a very hard task. 
Below is a macro of a yellow cosmos. These cosmos are both bright yellow and tinted orange.

I took a shot of the seeds below. They are so easy to collect and then simply reseed anywhere. 

For years, I wasn't a fan of any yellow flowers. I avoided orange and yellow flowers in my garden but the colors have really grown on me. Next year, I think I'll be adding many more yellows. I'm eyeing marigolds. 

Below is a pumpkin flower.

This one decided to grow in and among my Nasturtiums. So far, this plant has provided us with 3 small white pumpkins. [I gave out as many extras as I could to the little neighbor kids for their fun]

Finding the color yellow got harder as I left the porch and garden areas. I went out to the meadow to see if I could find some Golden Rod.

Most of the Golden Rod was too faded to provide a colorful photo.

The Orb Weavers were Back!

This one was wrapping up her breakfast which was a grasshopper she had captured. When I shifted my position to 'get' a better and closer shot, she left her breakfast and sat still on her web. She didn't drop off the web like others, but waited patiently for me to leave.

The second shot is the first one I took of her, it is a close up of her wrapping up her meal. Does the yellow and orange colors on her count as Yellow?

I don't really love spiders. I do appreciate the work they do. They are absolutely fascinating to watch. When I worked in Security, I recall the nights I spent in the guardhouse watching an Orb Weaver create the most beautiful web. She showed up each night for weeks. 
We called her Charlotte.

The fog and mist were lifting as I headed back towards the house. I saw the box elder showing off some yellow and headed out towards it. The box elders really put out the seeds this year!

I checked the old oak tree and found just one or two leaves that had color. They usually don't change first so I was surprised. The branches must be damaged in some way to produce dying leaves right now.

Sunday promised another HOT day and it produced it. By late afternoon, it was 90 in the shade and even hotter on our porch which gets full sun through the fall and winter.

This last shot was up through the old oak, I was going for a sun star flare and got one.

The yellows were hard! I need to walk up into my neighbor's woods where he girded some maples which are showing off some great colors right now. This week is going to be a hot one. 

Stay cool.


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    LD….you caught some good yellows. The fall leaves are coming and there will be many yellows. Spiders are fascinating. We would walk through corn fields as a kid and they would make people capturing webs.

    1. Yes! The funky wild dance that happens when you hit a spider web is pretty funny. I hate walking into them!
      The season is rapidly changing!

  2. You found some great yellows. We have trees dropping leaves already in our yard...all Oaks. Yes another warm week. Stay cool!

    1. Yes! Some here too. One big bonus of having the locusts cut down is that their leaves won't fill our rain gutters! Yipee!

  3. It's hot and humid all week here, too. I like yellow. We have an abundance of box elder trees here, so we have an abundance of the bugs. They haven't been as thick this year. Once again you got some wonderful photos.

    1. I saw 1,000's of box elders on a box elder that fell over, they were crawling out of the bark in swarms! As soon as the soy bean fields turn brown we'll be invaded by box elder bugs and those pesky asian beetles. I hope we don't get swarmed by them this year.

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Aaaaah yellow. The leaves are starting to change around here and most of our gazillion sunflowers have gone to seed. We will be near 80 for the next 10 days with a small chance of rain (which we could use). Hope you are feeling well now. Lori

    1. I'm back in the land of the living and just returned to Mobility Class. I'm still working on getting my Mojo back.

  5. Yellow is such a cheerful color especially in the spring when we are getting over the winter blahs. My hubby loves yellow roses- I have always liked the red ones of course, but I have come to appreciate the yellows.

    1. For flowers, I've always loved blues and purples the most, but I am gaining a love for all colors now.

  6. It's a good idea to have a theme, or at least it is for others. 😊

    Our row of daylilies is yellow-ish, but that is all that we have in the garden. A house up the street has a nice display with yellow and red bedding plants. I am not sure what the yellow flowers are, but the reds are begonias. I agree that orange will be a very good colour to focus on soon.

    1. I'm not good at sticking to things...LOL. But I' will be trying!

  7. I like a theme, too. I've so many yellows right now. There isn't much left, either. By the time I take a photo and post, GONE!

  8. Loving these color posts! That Box Elder seed photo, wow!! Gorgeous!


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