Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Moon me!

The full Super Moon of September 17th is known as the Harvest Moon and the Blood Moon. 

I've missed quite a few moon rises this year because I just didn't feel like going up to the ridge to wait on the moonrise. 

This was my first glimpse of the moon after it came up out of the river mists from the valley below.

I stopped on my way home...

I don't know if there was smoke in the air or what, but it sure was orange at first! Perhaps this is how it earns the 'Blood Moon' moniker.

I was determined to stay up and see the partial eclipse. I've done moon eclipses before and over the years I struggled with photographing it. 

Practice, practice, and practice helps. So I gave it another go.

I took some stages of the moon and then overlayed them on one black background to try to simulate what I saw over an hour. The shots started at 9:00 PM and went through until about 10:15 PM.

This morning's moon was surrounded slightly by a hazy sky but I took one last shot of it anyway...


  1. It may have been smoke because the moon was not orange here. I did see the partial eclipse. I stay up later and my chair is positioned so I get a full view of the moon. The moon was big and beautiful. You did a very good job capturing it.

    1. Nice! We could see it out our east windows, but I took a chair and sat in the driveway with a cup of decafe. :)

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Wow! I slept through it. Lori

  3. Way to go, you got some great photos! I watched the eclipse a bit out the kitchen window...we have that bear so I am reluctant to go out at night!

  4. Our moon was quite orange when it was low.

    1. Oddly this one came up pinkish, turned red, then orange before getting up higher off the horizon and turning classic white.
      I love watching the moon come up when I can get out on the ridge.

  5. What beautiful photos!!!

  6. You did well! I just don't have it in me. I am happy to see your work!

    1. I can be a night owl once in a while! Glad you enjoyed.

  7. I had no idea there was a partial eclipse. Probably only over east, not out west here. You did great! I like the composite photo.

    1. Yes, the composite tells the story whereas the single shots are just...well, just the moon. But I do love shooting the moon anyway as the 'how to do it' evaded me for years.


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