Saturday, August 31, 2024

How did your day go?

Mine started off with a BANG...or a whimper...or a shock...or 
a flat.

These were the trees that needed trimming from a blog in July.

The guys showed up midmorning and got to work immediately. My neighbor at the top of the hill came down with her 'littles' and we watched the first two pines come down together.

I wasn't sure about all the stuff left in the yard at first. This shot is from the upstairs East facing bedroom.

But in about an hour, the yard was clean.

A shot of the day before and the day after of where the pines stood.

Before and after with the Locust trees on the west side of the house. Sorry I didn't get the right exact angles for the before and after.

4 second clip of tree tipping for your fun! Those two pines took no effort to push over. Dominic said that he just barely touched one of them and it came right down. Here is a note to self.

Hey self, THAT tree was dangerous and I walked under it every day multiple times!!!

This was the back of the little shed in a very bad and tight spot.

Last year this old oak split and half came down on the fence and the other half got hung up in another tree.

All gone! Another worry gone. The hang up had to be roped and pulled off the other tree. I didn't get a video, I was too busy holding my breath and watching safely from the porch.

Here is a 4 minute video, not the best quality of course...but I wanted to look back and remember this day. It was interesting to see how he took down the trees and moved them.

His Excavator looks so much like a dinosaur in the woods!

I am extremely pleased with his work and he'll be back in the spring to do some landscape work and pasture work.

He will eventually also be doing debris and junk clean up. He is able to dismantle and clean up the crushed garage which is also a HUGE Dream of mine to have done so I don't look out the back door at a mess.
It will cost, but think of the nice view I'd have after years of looking at a building that keeps falling in.

[Hubby still thinks he will go in their and look for things that are worth $$$. However, anything that remains in the garage has been open to the elements now for 11 years. 

To each their own, but I found someone who I can hire to get things done that I cannot do myself!

Olive came down this morning and supervised my changing of the tire to a donut. I'll take it to town to get fixed after the Holiday weekend.


  1. I am so fascinated by tree trimmers and especially when they take trees down. We had a disease with trees in our neighborhood and our neighbors would let me bring the grandkids and lawn chairs. I am so glad that tree didn't fall when you walked under it!

    1. I usually walked by pretty quickly and always gave it a look, but we were so surprised that just a nudge from his machine and it toppled!
      He doesn't do city trees because of all the extra work. I was happy with his work and am happy to have his number for future work.

  2. Big job done, Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Thanks! Now to rebuild fence! ;) The weather is good so the work should be fine.

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    It’s fun to watch work like that being done. They did a great job cleaning the debris. Ld

    1. They did! There are a few ruts in the yard but that is easily fixed and it isn't like I am surrounded by neighbors who would see anyway.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    They did a great job and now no more worries about falling trees during storms. Glad you found someone reliable to do all that work. You will enjoy the new view and less debris to pick up constantly! RHill, TX

    1. Yes they did! Another bonus will be not having the locust leaves clog all the gutters 3 times this fall!

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    LD..I have read through all of your blogs. Trying to catch up everything. That tree removal was intense.

  6. That must be a relief getting that done! I worry about trees.

    1. I've worried for years and now I am chillin' out.
      Thanks, I know it can be a worry for others too!

  7. Check!!! Nice you made a good connection to help with bigger projects. Sorry about your tire.

    1. I'm going to say that the tire was a good thing. It went flat overnight while parked in the shed and was out of the way of the tree guys. AND...I learned how to take care of it from another woman!
      Counts as a bonus.
      Plus, the tree guy is cute. Of course I'll hire him again. Cute and very polite!

  8. What a big job getting rid of the trees! That is one less worry for you Val, well done!


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