Friday, August 16, 2024


It is August and that means the daylight each day changes quickly. 

August through November are the three months of the year where I can't seem to sit still. The weather is changing, the hours of daylight are changing.

I begin to chase the changes in the forest like I do with early spring. 

As the heavy growth of gooseberry bushes begin to drop leaves and other plants in the undergrowth begin to drop seeds and wilt, I find moving through parts of the forest easier.

This morning I got a fog notice on the weather app. I knew it would be foggy in the valleys because it cooled off so much overnight. I hoped the fog would drift up through the forest.

Off I went as soon as the sun began to peek through the trees. It was humid but not really foggy.

Our busy road:

On the way back home I took a different way and...

.... found some Indian Pipes 
aka Ghost Plants or the Scientific name:
Monotropa Uniflora .

I think these are some of the coolest plants that can be found in a forest.

Boy was I pleased to see that the high humidity, even though the fog dissipated quickly. It provided a beautiful morning atmosphere.

My favorite maple tree in the woods northeast of us.

The sights were pretty amazing as was the light.

I also stopped and took an opportunity to do something that has been on my mind since I got those little dragons.

An idea came to mind when I was looking at my collection of rocks. My son gave me a really cool rock years ago.  To me it looked liked a petrified egg.

I'm pretty sure ... well, this has to be...
I mean...

what else could it be...

a Dragon Egg?


I think someone else must be interested in it!

I spotted two Rock Monsters!

Glaciator and Sulfrix to be exact! 

Oh No!

Silly me. How I do love to play.

I think I should keep an eye out for Princess Sara and her Knight to see if they will come to the rescue in the Big Wild Forest.



  1. This is so much fun! I hear you about the changing light levels. You are so in tune with your environment.

  2. :) That rock looks like an egg! Your road is as busy as ours is:)

  3. You really are remote. Your dragon has a pretty face! They better leave her egg alone.

    1. We are somewhat remote, this is a dead end road.

  4. I think most of us in the mid-latitudes would agree that we are entering the best time of year.

    1. I am conflicted. I love and dislike fall at the same time!

  5. It looks like an enchanted forest and that maple looks like a magic tree that might start talking any minute! I wonder what stories a tree would tell us if they could talk?

    1. Every single time I am in that area, I walk up to the tree. I'm sure there is a reason. It does seem to have a commanding presence it this part of the forest....

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Ld. I really like the rock dragons. They are wonderful. You find the most interesting things in the woods to photograph.

  7. Ghost plants are other worldly. Such a cool rock your son gave you!! Probably really old. The word Petrified always makes me think of Harry Potter lol. Your rock makes an absolutely perfect dragon egg! Great idea, love it!!


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