Friday, August 23, 2024

Well now...

I sure had plans for this week. A bike trail, a hike at Billings Creek, and of course gardening, yard work, and grocery shopping.

Monday's text from the tree guys said: We should be ready to do your trees later this week.

I replied: Let me know a day ahead of time so I can take down the fence and move the animals.

So we hurried up and mowed the yard, I took down fencing that would be in the way where they would stack the cut up pines. I scurried around and cleaned things up so when I got the text there would be less to do.

And now it is Friday and I am wondering if later this week means Saturday or Sunday or??? Did they get held up on another job?

Everything got turned upside down this week. Wednesday was a complete wash as I didn't feel good.
Then there were the phone calls with the Palliative care nurse and the pharmacist regarding hubby's meds. I had to stay near the house all day and wait for an overnight delivery of meds and a video appointment with his Palliative Care Team.

I should learn never to make real plans this year. It just doesn't seem to work out well.


I did get out just after sunrise each morning and take a walk through the pastures way out back.
After all, no one calls, texts, or needs me for anything at that time of the morning. So it is just me, nature, my camera, and sometimes my tiny box of Legos that need to go adventuring.

My method is just this. I walk along and look at interesting things in the pasture and woods. I look for interesting light and plants while checking to see if the hot wire fences are still intact. They usually are. Only during rut season do they generally get knocked off the insulators.

If something catches my eye, I stop.

I couldn't help myself in this spot of morning light coming through the woods. The rock was a perfect spot to do something with my little alien tourist and Skate Board Willy.
The little guy on the skateboard actually belongs to a space lab build, but I just imagined him as having more fun as a skateboard artist. Maybe gravity doesn't matter to him so much?

That must be his uncle taking his photo, right? What a daredevil.

The little sun flares just seemed to add to the fun so I kept them.

I had another character in my box. He is a rare Lego [I like finding the rare ones!]. 

I couldn't resist putting him in a ray of light so the sun shown through him.
He is a Rock Monster and in my thinking, he must be joining the others to steal that dragon egg that looks like a rock!

Truly, only a strange mind could think all of that up in an instant, right?

Creativity for me gives me moments of euphoria. It is a warm fuzzy feeling that is combined with a huge sigh. 

Soon enough after having those moments, I have to get back to managing another person's health care and running our small place.

Things don't always go as planned, but small moments of joy sure help out with that.



  1. Waiting for phone calls and people is the worst! Seems like you made the best of your early morning time!

    1. At least with the Tree people, they will text so that is easier. The VA calls on the land line, so I am stuck inside. They do have my cell # and once in a while I get a call on that too.
      Looks like early mornings are the thing for the next few days of heat and humidity!

  2. Not a strange mind. A curious, seeking, creative mind.

    1. My husband likes to say that I am the one who needs care! LOL!

  3. This is really beautiful. With all you juggle, I can sense the peace that comes with your jaunts. Keep on keeping on!
    Caregiving is very difficult. Good work.

    1. It is one of the times I can let my mind wander without worrying too much. Thank you.

  4. You have quite an imagination. You did really great with the rock monster.

  5. I wanted to let you know that I have not kept up with 90% of my classmates either. The two classmates I am friends with are set on going and I was roped into it. I was not "part of the crowd" in school and most of the "crowd" grew up to be very much what they were in high school . I am hoping to have dinner (and be able to taste it) and leave, LOL.
    I am glad you can carve out time in small increments to keep your balance. It is hard to deal with medical professionals on top of full time care giving.

    1. I wasn't a part of the crowd either. I went to the 25 yr reunion and had seen that not much had changed so didn't really make an effort to go to any others.
      I did get some time yesterday afternoon to explore a bluff near the river for a bit. It was refreshing.

  6. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Yes! Onward. And you are so creative every single day.... Lori


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