Friday, August 30, 2024

Bye Bye Trees?

I'm going to be saying goodbye to some old friends later today.

The first shot is of two pines, one is completely dead and the other is getting there. Both have been the gateway to drive through after coming down the long driveway. They have been here forever and I'll probably miss them.

I won't miss wondering about which way they will fall in a windstorm though. They do get to Hula Dancing in harsh winter winds.

The shot from the other day is one of the pines.
Sorry for the repeat as I didn't know this tree would be cut down today. 

The trees have entertained us for a long time with all sorts of Woodpeckers visiting. The Pileated Woodpeckers were the most fun to watch! They are so huge.

This view is from the West facing bedroom window upstairs. 

The trees are so tall and have survived so many wind storms. They have root rot and cracks at their bases along with holes where Woodpeckers have drilled for insects.

Last weekend, another one of these trees had its top broken off by a storm less than a 50 yards from these two.

These trees have hung my laundry for ages. I will miss their shade and amazing blooms in the spring.
Maybe I'll think about planting a small bush in its place. I don't want to see it go, but I don't wish for it to come crashing down on the house either.


This shot is from 2006 when we allowed our very pregnant donkey to roam the yard and she sought shade under my laundry. I had to rewash everything, but it was pretty funny at the time.

I will miss the sweet smelling blossoms these trees put out each spring near my birthday....

However, as much as I admire them, my pals have to go. There used to be another one not far from where the Subaru is parked. One afternoon it just tipped over and landed in that parking spot.

I wasn't parked there as it was not really a parking spot until I had the driveway redone last year.

The next shot is a photo from 2013 after a 3" rain deluge and high winds. That WAS the garage. 

I'm also hoping the clean up of that crushed building will be in my list of projects in the next year or so.

Lastly, a photo from 2007 after the most devastating storm we've had in all the years we lived here. It took over 4 months of constantly sawing, piling, and burning to clean the yard up.

Shots of the day after the storm and a month later. 

It took another year to clean up most of the mess in the forest around us.

So there it is. It should be a spectacle today to watch.


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I feel your pain at having trees cut. Lightning struck two of our few large pine trees this year, pine bark beetles killed another, and Hurricane Beryl caused a huge mess. You won’t have to worry though when the next storm blows through whether a tree will come crashing down. Show after pictures please. RHill, TX

    1. Thanks! I will show after pictures. I'm still waiting on them to show up. Fingers crossed.
      I hate waiting.

  2. Within a few years of buying our house in the 70's, we had a row of ash trees between us and the neighbors and a huge shade tree in the play yard. It started with the neighbor pointing out a line of sunlight through the middle of one tree - evidently it had been struck by lightening and split all the way down. The price to take it down was astronomical, but we couldn't let it fall on their house. Then it turned out that all the trees were infected by the emerald ash borer . . . One day we saw a pickup truck cruising the neighborhood slowly, back and forth. My hubby went out to question them and they were preparing a bid to the city to take down the ash trees in tree lawns. He asked them what he would charge for the four between us and the neighbors house and they were between jobs and for cash they would take down those four plus the one in the play yard for less than we were quoted just for the split one. We spent the money and lost all our beautiful shade. It took some getting used to. We replanted safer trees, of course, but it was a long time before we had "real" trees.

    1. Yes! It is way more expensive to have trees removed in a suburban setting. This guy doesn't do that. He'll cut it down, cut it up and pile it in the pasture for me.
      Then I have offered it to any neighbor that burns wood. The pine won't be good for anything but a burn pile.
      I may still have some shade from the forest to the west, but not as much.
      I should plant Rose of Sharon right???

  3. We also are surrounded by trees. They are softwood so they grow fast. As you know. we've taken a few down in the last couple of years and had some come down. I miss the shade of the large trees in front of the house. Those pines are tall, you are surely going to notice their absence.

    1. Yes I will. I always considered them as sentinels in a way. But now I'll have their stumps to put flowers on so they will still give me pleasure.

  4. Better to have them down on your schedule than theirs. I'm sure they will be missed though. There's just something about trees that connects with us,. I do love watching them dancing in the wind, and the sound of wind through the trees has always been one of my favourite things.

    1. Mine too, it felt like the trees were sighing.

  5. We once rebuilt part of our roof. Once the job was done we went out of town visiting friends. We got a phone call telling us that a tree had fallen on the roof -- the new part of the roof.

    1. Oh no! That would have been awful.

  6. TIMMMBBBERRRRR!!! Kinda sad to see long time trees/landscape changed by nature or otherwise, but not for safety reasons. You have your memories & awesome photos. Have fun reimagining whatever remains.

  7. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Now you can design a new gateway! Lori

  8. Anonymous8:27 PM

    At our old place the derecho went through and took too much. A guy came voluntarily as I had a stroke. He was surprised that he got paid generously for the two days of work. Ld


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