Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Accident

A strange thing happened to me at my CrossFit workout.

First, I want to talk about the wins we've had. One of our members had suffered a major heart attack 3 years ago. The kind of heart attack that the paramedics had to revive her... a hospital stay and cardio rehab. After rehab she came to our gym against her doctor's orders and started to work out.

She was careful. Her workouts mimicked the work out of the day but were scaled back for her abilities and not stress her heart. In one year of doing physical supervised exercise 3 times a week, she has gained strength and improved her vital readings to the extent that her cardiologist was stunned. Her story is worth celebrating.

Another friend of mine had her ankle crushed.

The repairs involved metal screws and rods in her ankle. Her Achilles tendon also had to be re-attached. For the next few the years she suffered pain and anguish and the loss of joy of riding her horse, hiking with her daughters, and doing all the things she loved dearly. After two years of consistent work at our gym [one baby step at a time], she can jog in a workout. She can walk without pain, and she is 99% back to her previous self. She is dedicated to our Mobility Class as well as showing up the to the gym.

Our coach joined 4 years ago, she was tired of all the extra weight she carried around. Her husband bought her a gym membership and she started out. Her goal? It was to lose all the baby weight she'd gained after her 10th child. I've watched her slowly transform over 4 years. She is amazing in many ways as she has now trained for and is one of the coaches in the gym.
She has lost 70 pounds and says she has a little ways to go. 
Her empathy and coaching skills are amazing. [All of our coaches posses these skills]

None of these journeys were quick fixes like we see advertised ... DO THIS or Do That! And you will see a difference in weeks! 

No. This is a common sense and well guided way to seek better health overall. 
We have an average array of people in our gym. 
From 18 to 80, some are great athletes working to become better athletes. Some of us have fitness and health issues. 
The coaches are careful to help us tailor our workouts for each of us specifically.

Some days, it is like herding cats.

On to the Event of the Day.

I was looking forward to the workout yesterday. It was a kettle bell workout combined with some runs after each group of 20 kettle bell swings. 

The runs were our choice, 200 meters, 400 meters, or for those who couldn't run, they could walk 100 meters or ride the stationary bike or row.

I love the running part as I've always loved running. The kettle bells? Meh, but it was going to be hard and challenging which are things I like. I'm considered elderly and I was safely the eldest person in class. 

A group of 5 of us took off from the gym to run/jog our first 200 or 400 meters. All was going just peachy, I was behind the young and fast girls. When we came to our turn around [we run on a bike/hiking path alongside the highway] ...


I got hit hard by something in my right calf. I'd been jogging on the edge of the path next to the grass. I ducked in an instant [reflexes?] and saw a woman and her bike go over me in  my peripheral vision.

She hit the ground hard on her right side. She was wearing a biking helmet which kept her face and head from hitting the hard trail. Her bike went over me and landed somewhere. 

I stayed in the crouch because I was not sure what the H-ll just happened. In an instant, the other gym folks who had been running ahead of me turned back to help. One surgical nurse, one Nurse Practitioner, and one Hot Line Nurse came to the woman's aid. 

Another gym member ran to call 911 when the lady said she couldn't get up and was in severe pain. 

I squatted next to her. Her pain was obvious. Her husband had parked his bike and was standing there in distress also. He didn't know what to do and couldn't figure out how to operate his wife's cell phone.

First the squad car arrived. Then the first team of first responders along with a Firefighter that had been at the gas station across the highway. Another fire department vehicle responded and I just backed away. I am not an EMT.

I decided to walk back to the gym and gather my wits. I was pretty shook up. Jesse walked back with me and asked if I was okay. I said I guess I was. I looked down and pointed to the bruise popping up on my calf muscle and said I guessed she clipped me there.

Jesse gasped and looked at my back. She exclaimed, "Dam girl, you have tire tracks across your shirt in back!"
Followed by "ARE you okay?"
I felt okay, but still in shock of what I'd seen. I grabbed my water bottle and decided to walk back and tell the police officer what happened.

Two gym gals went with me. I explained to the officer that I was jogging when I got hit from behind on the right side of my calf and ducked. The lady went over my right shoulder and the bike went over my left.

The cop's eyes got huge and he touched me gently on the shoulder. ARE you OKAY??? Those bikes weigh like 40 lbs! The gals pointed out the tire tracks on the back of my shirt. I made my statement, you know, name phone number, date of birth.

The lady was still on the ground and they were waiting for an ambulance. I looked over at the bikes and noted that they were e-bikes. The kind of e-bikes, when you pedal, the electric engine kicks in and shoots you forward. Did she pedal instead of braking? I'd never know.

I might add that this couple was in their 80's and I recognized them from many other days when we have worked out and shared the trail together. 

I walked back to the gym. There was nothing I could do. I felt horrible and so sad. What if she broke her leg and her arm? Or worse yet? Her hip? 

The gym members were calling me super woman and amazing among other accolades for just getting up and being okay after such a wreck. I felt none of that and felt only a deep sadness as I heard another set of sirens coming down the highway.

I gathered my stuff and wrote out my workout results. 1 round of 20 Kettle Bell swings 26lbs and 200m run in 16 minutes. Only one partial round completed due to bicycle accident.

My afternoon plan had been to explore The Richland County Pine River bike trail. But I wasn't in the mood. Plus my back muscles were stiffening up. I stretched and iced the areas and thought about that lady the rest of the day.

Gym members kept texting me to see if I was okay. I was. 
They were calling me super woman and Speedbump Val. 

I was waiting to hear any news about the lady who hit me. 

And of course, I did a reenactment of the accident with my Legos...

[we didn't carry kettle bells on the workout]

The last word I heard on the lady that ran me over was that she was assessed with a broken shoulder and a broken hip and was taken to the trauma center immediately for surgery.

I am so sad.

I know that I wasn't at fault as bicyclists are to yield to pedestrians but I think this lady just made an awful miscalculation. At her age, it may have great ramifications.

So yeah. I am sad.


  1. Oh, Val I feel sad for you. It wasn't your fault but I know that doesn't stop the feelings you are having. You are a wonder, woman.

    1. Yes, I feel sad still but realize that I didn't do anything wrong. Other than being in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
      Had she gone 3 feet to my right, she would have ended up in oncoming traffic.

  2. Oh my how scary for both of you. I am so glad you will be are SuperVal!

    1. Just lucky I didn't really get hurt!

  3. It is sad that the biker got hurt. No doubt ebikes have increased accidents, especially among the older population. Accidents happen so fast. I am glad it wasn't worse, for both of you. Even witnessing them spurs emotions. Our rainy gloomy weather today surely doesn't help. I hope you feel better as your day goes on. Sending you a (gentle) healing hug!

    1. You are correct in that ebikes have increased accidents as they speed up with pedaling or a throttle and are not like the old pedal power bikes. Loss of control is a huge factor in so many cases.
      I'm not going to try and figure out what happened, only that it was a freak accident in my mind.

  4. What an awful way to end your workout day. Poor old lady, hope she can heal up from that. So often elderly people don't recover from such trauma.
    E bikes are so silent and can go so fast. a person has to have good reaction time to ride them safely.

    1. Very true. I hope she recovers. When I heard they rushed her off for emergency surgery I really felt awful. Not my fault, but yet I was there.

  5. I wish I could give you a hug. Thank goodness you weren't hurt more seriously. I am so sorry to hear about the woman. I hope they can help her to heal. None of this was your fault and I am sure you feel awful about it. We will all be sending good thoughts toward her recovery. You are with a great bunch of people! Inspiring!

    1. Thank you. I faired much better. However, I will keep her in my thoughts too.

  6. It sounds like a fabulous group, both in general and they showed their concern for you. Did the lady not have a warning bell? I am/was always cautious about passing pedestrians. I preferred to call out if they weren't wearing headphones. "On your left" or whatever.

    Anyway, I hope your repercussions aren't too bad. Hers too.

    1. There was a bell on her bike but we were all next to a 4 lane highway with a lot of traffic and no one heard her or her husband.
      She hit me on the right side of the trail/leg before travelling up and over me. I can't say for sure how or why it happened.
      I never pass up a pedestrian without affirmation that they know I am in, I slow way down and generally say hello before moving past.

      I sure hope she recovers.
      Our group of gym folks are very kind and considerate. It is like having a wonderful family without any of the baggage attached.

      I'm good, just a very pretty bruise that goes up my calf and across my back.

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    That is very sad. Hopefully she will do well after the surgery. How does your body feel now? Lori

    1. I'm good and as they say...Right as Rain.

  8. At one point I was thinking about getting an e-bike but all I've been hearing about is people being hit by them or the batteries catching fire. I think I'll put that idea on hold. Good to hear that you made it through okay.

    1. I rode my cousin's e-bike, it was a pedal assist bike and I think it is a great idea. One has to be aware though that when you pedal, it pushes you forward. That would be so helpful when you are tired. I am on the fence with them too. I'd like to have a little less push when pedaling.
      There are many levels of e-bikes out there, but spending time talking to someone in a bike shop might be worth it.
      Also most injuries are from mistakes and not wearing helmets?

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Oh my gosh...that was quite a hit. It happens so fast you didn't have a clue what happened. I am sure you will be sore for along time. I am glad you didn't break anything. Take some days off please

    1. Actually I ended up with a nice bruise on my calf and I'm not sore at all. I took that day off and went back to my normal schedule right away.


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