Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Feeling Free

I finally got to toss my bicycle in the back of the 'Ru and head out on Sunday morning. It was another one of those blistering hot and humid days. 

Sometimes I just 'gotta' get off the farm and blow a bit of energy off. What better way than to get on a decent bicycle and make your own breezes?

I bought this bike in August of 2019. I've really enjoyed the adventures I've had with it. It is a quasi-mountain/road bike. It wasn't the color I wanted, it wasn't as cool as other bikes in the shop, but I wanted a good sturdy bike to get from point A to point B. [And that did not cost me an arm and a leg]

I wanted a bike that could handle gravel roads as well as paved roads and perhaps an easy bike dirt track.

It does get me around and sometimes I am lucky enough to get out early and catch some beautiful morning light. 

I love taking my Infrared converted camera while riding the nice paved trail at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. The ride I take is along the old original highway that runs between the small towns of LaFarge and Rockton.

The trail is not terribly difficult and there are two hills that do challenge the legs. The scenery varies as it goes through the valley. There are little ponds where I often go in the spring and fall to see what waterfowl is migrating. There are bridges that cross the Kickapoo and there are meadows and rock formations to see.

I packed my IR Camera along with my pocket camera. On a whim, I put the 550nm filter on my IR camera. I've never had good luck with that filter so I thought I'd give it another go. The best time to shoot IR is in the middle of the day in the summer. The different wavelengths of light are just so interesting.

Infrared Photography can be so interesting and challenging. In camera for this filter, the white balance setting is done on something neutral like concrete or a grey card.
I won't go into all that 'developing' the shots entail, however, as you can see, IR can give the photographer a wide array of Creative Fun.

The shot below is what the colors look like in the original shot. It was cool here with a slight breeze. The river was on the left and on the right was a small bluff with large cracks that allow cold air to come from below the ground to vent out.

I tossed a lot of shots as they just didn't work out well, but these were my favorite from the IR Experiment.

I normally stop at the ponds and spend some time, but the deerflies were absolutely vicious and unrelenting. 

I did stop long enough to grab a shot with my pocket camera of a Highbush Cranberry! These are starting to turn and were show stopping!

The yellow cone flowers in this Meadow was so stunning, it was worth the quick stop and a few shots of all the stunning flowers.

By 11AM, the heat and humidity was brutal and I was back at the Subaru. It was worth it. 

Yesterday I dropped my bicycle off at the bike shop in town. It desperately needs a tune up, new cables, and a new chain. I'm going to have them install a back rack also. I'd like to be able to add some 'stuff' to carry. Right now I use a fanny pack and a little pack on the front of the bike. I'm also looking to get a carrier for the 'Ru.

The guy at the shop said they had some on order and he'd walk me through setting it up and adjusting it for me. Once it is set up, it should be easy to take on and off. 

Currently I pick up the bike and sort of shove it in the long bed of the 'Ru for going places to ride. 

The shop guy also gave me some ideas on other trails at KVR that are nice for a beginner trail rider like me. 

In the 1980's my sister and I both owned 12 speed Raleigh's that weighed a ton. We took a sister sister trip on bikes together. We rode 70 miles on rural back roads to get from my dad's house to my Aunt's lake cottage for an overnighter and then ride back. We had no GPS, no cell phones in that era.
I'd driven most of the route with a map before we did our trip. I highlighted the back roads with a marker and that was our guide.

I still look on that two day adventure as the one of the coolest trips of all time.

We were young, we were free, and we were awesome.
[and we had two days off from being moms!]


  1. You never failed to amaze!! I have not been on a bike since the late '80s. I would fall over. Once again, great photos.

    1. The bike shop dude showed me an E-Trike! It had a basket and gears and all that good stuff. It was pretty sweet looking.
      I can see that as a mode of transport too!

  2. Bikes do give one some freedom- no noise like a car, no dealing with an equine mind, and being able to stop and admire everything along the way. I haven't had a bike since I was a kid. We used to ride to the lake to go swimming and ride to school, 2 miles to school and 5 miles to the lake. Good memories.

    1. Easier to saddle up too! I miss riding equine. I just don't have the time to dedicate to it much any more.
      When I was a kid, my bike was my 'horse'. :)

  3. You had a great day! Sounds like a good memory/ trip with your sister adventure! You need a thingy for Charlie to ride in!

    1. I talked with the bike shop about that and pulling Charlie along may require an E-bike with assisted pedal in the future. But I'd love to try it out once on the bike I have. He'd probably love it!

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I have a leg issue that is preventing me from cycling this summer. I do miss it. I’ve never tried ir except in post as a filter and haven’t really liked the result.

    1. Getting a converted camera makes a huge difference because the IR light doesn't really show up in a normal camera.

      I hope your leg issue heals up.

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    That was me AC. I’m away and on the phone. Grr.

  6. What a great adventure - and thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs. Nature's Beauty for sure! (along with your skill). I always pictured retirement on a bicycle. Mine had a big basket that I would fill with books from the library and cut flowers (not sure where I was getting those). My sense of balance could never cope with a bicycle. I have tried some three wheelers, but my legs are so short I can barely reach the pedals (I bet they make one my size somewhere), but I still feel like I am going to fall off the stationary bike. Oh well.

    1. I bet they make one you could use, but wouldn't that be fun! They probably make an E one! Anyway, if you feel like you'd fall off, then probably not so fun.

      Thank you for your kind comment.


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