Thursday, April 13, 2017

Oh Garden and Fences!

This is about the time of the year that everyone is making the transition from winter/spring to thinking about a garden. Oh and I am thinking about the garden!

I even tried to inspire myself by looking up planting ideas. Then I proceeded to even draw out how I want to plant my vegetables.

Instead of hand digging the garden up again this year, I am investing in a small tiller that I can operate. I will be able to till and cultivate with it. I am hoping that is will save me a bit of work.

I made my list of vegetables and I am going to include sweet corn again this year. It was nice to freeze enough corn to use through this past winter along with green beans, beets, and canned tomatoes.
I went down to the garden spot in the evening yesterday and noted that the area that I planted parsley in last year, had plants coming up. I found three large onions too. The garden is a mess, it is full of weeds.
I abandoned my weeding when I pulled the last of the squash out of the garden.

Good thing I am getting a tiller!

It is way too early in the season for planting now, so I will get out my drawing of the garden and redraw the places I want to put rows.

In the mean time I am going to put the Creeping Myrtle around the east side of the house and transplant more hostas and iris plants. Everything I moved away from the house last year can now start coming back. I won't get it all done this year.

There is fencing to take care of. All of the electric lines near the creek have to be replaced. The briers have to be cut down. I need to retrieve the posts that are hanging mid air above the creek.

This is a look at the mess hours after the flood waters ravaged our creek bottom, once again changing the fence line.

Since no animals were in this area, we left it. This year we plan on moving the Dexter cattle into the forest above the creek. They do a very nice job cleaning up the land.

It is much easier to fix and replace fence early in the spring before the plants again become overgrown.
Well, that is my plan and we all know how plans work out!

It looks like a busy spring for me. Gardens, planting, moving plants, fixing fence, putting up new fence.

Am I happy that winter is over? I guess so. Compared to what I want to get done around here winter must have been a time for leisure!

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