Saturday, September 18, 2010

Foggy Morning

My eyes snapped awake.
I glanced out the window.
Deep fog.
Beautiful September fog that makes driving in the valleys treacherous, yet coats the land with a mysterious feel and an excellent back drop for photos.

I jumped into the car [no wallet, but I had my cameras!] and drove down into the valley and across the Kickapoo River as the sun was begining to rise. Although I could not see it for the deep thick fog.
I turned up a narrow twisted gravel road, sorta was a road. It felt like a small lane.
Not a well used lane as it led to the top of a ridge where corn and soybeans were planted. If the ridge was planted just right, I'd be able to look down upon the foggy valley.

However, it wasn't. Not to be disappointed, I decided to take my time and enjoy the sunrise and then head back down the narrow twisted [and rough] road.

These shots had to be taken with a tripod. The light was so dim, yet I couldn't resist seeing what I could 'pull' out of the shots.

On my way down I was stopped by a sight I'd not seen going up.

An old silo in a pasture, framed by leafless trees and fog.
This little back road was proving to be a photographic pleasure. I'd pulled my car off to the side of the road, but really had no worries.

There was only one residence on the road.
A man in a truck drove by sipping on a cup of coffee ...

and probably wondering what the lunatic with the tripod was doing. He probably muttered something about tourists, but he lifted three fingers from the steering wheel and nodded.

That was a friendly greeting.

My last stop was on the bridge over the county road. Now I always always want to stop and take photos here. But it is out in the open, within sight of the highway,...and well. Let's just say I am the shy photographer.
But I was stunned by the sight of Black Bottom and THE Fog.

My first shot was to the West, and to my surprise, it turned out quite colorful.

ISO 200

To my surprise, the East shot was nearly black and white. I took several shots of this as there was little traffic and suddenly I didn't feel so strange being spotted doing what I love best.
[Okay, I love riding BEST, but this is a damn close Best]
ISO 200

This was my second favorite of the morning, the silo took first.

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