Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let the melt begin

The weather is beautiful. I enjoyed an incredible sunrise on the way to the clinic for logging in my hours today. Other employees were emailed that as of March 26th, I would be the new Med Records gal! There were some very happy gals there today.
I worked hard today and learned many new things ~~~ have many more things to learn too!
One thing I am positive of. The clinic could not function without the Medical Records gals. They are the hub of everything. The warm sun and warm temps...I think about 40 degrees...caused a huge meltdown. Oh we still have plenty of snow, but the water is running hard and the ground is saturated. The flat portion of our driveway is ~~~ a quagmire. I did get through it with the car but had my doubts. Hope it gets cold and freezes up over night! I took a quick video of me walking in the portion of the driveway near where I park. Yes, unbelievable! But in a month's time it will be solid ground!

1 comment:

  1. What a BEAUTIFUL photo! That must've been some treat. :)


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