Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Giving Back.

Sometimes I get in a mood and feel a bit down and out. It happens as a Caregiver and it happens around Holidays.
Social Media is not helpul as everyone is posting these great photos of big family get togethers and cheery this ... and cheery that.
Not everything is cheery for some folks during the holidays.

However. Sometimes things happen to pull you out of the dumps.

I pulled the trail cams cards out of the spots where I have them and got this funny video of a nice trophy buck laying down while does trot on by him. This was taken on the second day of hunting season when two neighbors got really nice deer.

 Both neighbors are hunters for the meat and not just trophy hunters. 

I shared this with my young friend Olive on the ridge after she sent a photo of her husband with his beautiful buck.

Yes, I'd photographed the buck her hubby got earlier this year in my meadow. I recognized him. She was worried that I'd be upset and I told her that I'd gotten 'my shot' of him earlier in the year with a long lens, so I was happy for them to have meat for their freezer and a trophy for her husband.

Then I got a text asking if I'd like to visit for a cup of coffee. My answer was Yes, yes, yes, yes... 

I got to spend an hour with her and her little guy Orson, who is just turning 7 months old. Now THAT is a sure fire way to cheer anyone up. Spend time with a crawling happy baby whose face lights up with infectious smiles and whose eyes are so bright and cheerful.

I found out that she had wanted to go out and join the gun hunt, but her husband was busy with coaching the wrestling team in town again this year. I asked if I could watch her kids for her while she went out to hunt.

I saw her look a bit confused at first and then HER face lit up like...well, like a Christmas tree. 
"You'd do that?"

Of course I would! I love kids, I don't even mind crying babies or even fussy babies. Sometimes a person just needs to change the scenery or look forward to an event to change how they feel.

Friday afternoon during hubby's nap time, I'll got watch a 4 year old and a baby while mom gets to go out in the woods and get some much needed ME time on a deer stand. 

It is a win win situation for me. I get some different scenery, she gets a break, and I get to play. Hubby said he was pleased that I'd get to go play with someone my own age.

Hah. Olive has been there for me in so many ways through the past couple of years and rarely can I find a way to help her out. She is a strong minded woman and mom who never wants to impose and is seems always willing to give.

Sometimes Giving Back is just the best medicine.


  1. You're such a generous person. And from my years of caregiving, I can attest that any change is welcome! Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Very true! Even a crabby baby at someone else's house is a wonderful change of scenery.
      But Orson is usually a happy little guy!

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Thankful for good neighbors! I’m glad you get a change of scenery getting to play with littles and your neighbor gets much needed alone time! You’re a blessing to her and she to you. Wishing you and Rich a blessed Thanksgiving. RHill, TX

    1. Yes, a mom with little ones needs some quiet time also. Our Thanksgiving will be nice and quiet. Happy Thanksgiving to you also.

  3. I love your approach to your neighbor getting that deer and I love the fact that you went over and watched the kids. Sounds like you are the kind of neighbor that everyone wishes they had.

    1. In our very rural area, we all try to be the best neighbors possible. I have a pretty good friendship with Olive and her family though. Thank you.

  4. Nice video he must have been tired! Happy Thanksgiving! I am glad you get a change of scenery for a bit. Somedays caregiving sucks and few realize it.

    1. No kidding he was tired! I had over 400 photos in this spot from another 36 hrs! It is interesting to watch them on video, one can learn a lot.

  5. This makes me feel warm inside! Thank you Olive for inviting you to coffee and I am so glad you volunteered to play with some people "your own age"!!! It really will brighten your day! Happy Thanksgiving! You are in my thoughts often on this journey.

    1. Kids are such mood lifters. I know that it is the little things that cheer me up when I am blue.
      Have a great Thanksgiving.

  6. That is good for all of you. It's what they call win-win. Way to go!

  7. That was a nice gift you gave to your friend.


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