Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My first equine love...

I had many though...
My uncle raised horses and we rode them in the summer. I learned about horsemanship from my cousins. We rode bareback a lot because my uncle only had a couple of saddles. My mom promised us girls that one day we could have horses.

We had to make that promise happen ourselves.

Cheyanne came with me when I moved across the state to be with Rich.

She was half Arab and half Quarter horse. She floated when she trotted and had the nicest lope in the world. 

We were so bonded in so many ways. Below is when she had Sunshine who is now 26 years old. Chey was having trouble so I went out and helped.

She crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 28 years old. You can read what I wrote about her then: The Rainbow Bridge and a poem I wrote for her called Friend.

At that time I'd already fallen for my first mule I'd ever owned. Badger was my soul mate and pure of heart. There was absolutely nothing he would not do for me. Below is a photo of me on Badger with my dog in my lap. We were headed out into the neighbor's wild woods to pick black berries. He watched over me and kept me safe.

I do have to mention that Sunshine has been with me the longest. She is special in a way I cannot describe and like her half brother Badger, she watches over me at all times even when I am not riding her.

I guess she is special to me as she is Cheyanne's daughter and has proven over and over again that human - mule love is special.

I am so lucky to have a second generation equine from my first horse.

Thanks so Lori and Sandra for this idea!


  1. I am loving reading about your horses ... and mules.

    1. Thanks! They sure have been incredible friends to me over the years.

  2. The Arab/QH cross is a fine one. She was a good looking mare. I always kind of wanted a mule, but, you know how it goes. Time got away from me! I still have my first foal, too. She is 29 and clippin' right along.

    1. I never wanted a mule at all but hubby purchased Badger for me when he purchased the Jack. Badger was just green broke and never performed for the first owners. They thought he was a dud. He turned out to be a golden gem in my hands.
      He didn't like gruff men and adored kids and females. Funny how such a big animal had such a tender heart.

  3. Fun to hear about your four legged friends...they are all special!

    1. They are. But they are also hard work!

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Thank you for posting this. Your first horse was a beauty and I'm so glad you still have your mules. They sure seem to be very sweet and love the fact that they look out for you. Lori

    1. Thanks, they can be like big dogs and sometimes a pain in the butt because they like humans so much.

  5. Your horses are beautiful.
    I keep meaning to tell you - I read all the entries on your home remodeling process, twice :) I think we are kindred spirits. And you have created the most cozy home.

    1. Awww, thanks! It was surely a smart thing to do and our house is very cozy and nice now!

  6. You sure have had some special equines in your life. Having that kind of bond with more than one horse/mule is extra special.


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