Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Recharge the Internal Battery

Oh I had all sorts of plans of hiking and getting groceries and ... taking the dogs for a fantastic walk.
It is too slippery to even try and get a mule or donk out of the pasture, but I guess I'll have my chance on Friday afternoon.

The farrier will come for a long visit.  Because of illnesses, and injuries to both the farriers family and mine, 2012 did not end so wonderfully.  We had to put off taking care of some of the farrier work.

Last night I came home and began to feel cold from the inside out.  Sneezed and sneezed...and well

I slept in.
I then got up and...took a nap.

I think the body just said it needed a recharge.

I know Morris is giving me the hopeful eye as is Dixie.  They are missing their daily hikes and walks.  If I don't hike with them, I surely get them out for a romp.

But I did see a beautiful sunrise and sunset while doing my work commute!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Views like that help to recharge the soul if not the body :-)


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