Thursday, June 06, 2024

Wait ~ What?

 What did I agree to???

Pictured is my bicycle. It is a mountain/trails/road/gravel/ bicycle. It isn't meant for leaps and jumps, but more suited for decent terrain.

I have to push it up our driveway to get to the ridgetop so I can ride it. I haven't used it too much in the last two years as my hiking and bike riding buddy has bowed out of going to KVR with me.

During my long hike last Sunday I got a message from a cousin of mine and his wife. "Would I be interested in bicycling with them?" Sure! They were coming to my area and wanted to go biking.

The Reserve was out for them as E-bikes are not allowed unless you get a permit. Some say that isn't fair because bikes are bikes and people who can't ride the hills should be able to with E-bikes. 

Since 1997 the Reserve has not allowed anything motorized on the land. This dates back to 1995 when the land was under the Army Core of Engineers and there was no regulation. Lots of people came in with souped up, jacked up 4X4 trucks and blazed trails and tore up land. They used winches and chain saws without regard to the land and really caused quite the stir.

The Army Core of Engineers kicked everyone of the public land and closed it for a year. Then they only allowed equine and foot traffic back. 

The damages were pretty significant. Rich and I joined a club of equine riders that met each weekend to haul in straw and seed by equine. We tied rakes and shovels to our mules and went places to repair the damages and to reseed the lands. We worked on trails with sand bags to prevent erosion and rerouted washouts. Everything we did was by foot and by equine.

After all that work, the land became the Reserve and they cut out many of those repaired trails.

Anyway, that is the history of the why no motorized vehicles are allowed on the Reserve without a permit.

My cousin suggested the Sparta-Elroy-Wilton bike trail. It was an old railroad bed that years ago was transformed into a bicycle trail.

Saturday I'll meet them at the campground they are staying in and we'll saddle up and go riding together. My cousin and his wife have E-bikes.

My verdict on E-bikes is still out. But I see the reasoning for them. Older people can get out to do more trails with them. If you are not a hard core biker, you can enjoy more outside activities!
Tourism and money. 

More people can enjoy riding. It is pretty simple.

If I had one? I might be able to actually ride UP my driveway. I'm still on the fence, though. I like my bicycle and I too like the more moderate trails.

My cousin's wife texted me that we'd be riding about 30 miles and she'd pack lunch for us and my cousin would make us a fish dinner.


Well I guess this will be a test of leg strength. After all. I hiked 9 miles last week. Why not try 30 by bicycle this week?

[thank you to my neighbors who will pick up my slack and keep an eye on my hubby!]


  1. Good for you! I couldn't do that. I shall cheer you on.

  2. I believe you are up to the challenge. I also believe you will be tired! A fish dinner will make everything fine.

    1. Well, I hope I am, they will have motors to assist and I won't. But I think the trail is flat and even. I'll let you know how it goes after I do it!

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    At the moment, an E Bike sounds good to me! Have fun! Lori

  4. Your legs will do ok, I wonder how comfy the bike seat will be after 30 miles! My brother and his wife like theirs especially on the hills:) Have fun, it will be good to hear your report, cousin time is good!

    1. I have biking shorts with the bum pad in them, so it should be just fine. They are left over from the days I used to take 70 mile trips on back roads.
      :) I use them a lot when riding the 10 mile loop at KVR with hills.

  5. Good luck and enjoy! I am in awe of your biking skills. Our local police department purchased 2 e bikes and my son was on one for the Eclipse. It allowed him to get through crowds and he thought it was pretty cool.

    1. I may eventually want one, but for now I'll keep my old trusty bike. I can see the good use for them!

  6. 30 miles? Yikes! Hope you make it through! But you might need a good steak and not fish after a workout like that.


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