Saturday, June 22, 2024

Grasses and Bushes

Bottle Brush Grass 
Hard to see, but it is the spikey grass
in the center of the photo.

I don't know...grass....
There were several possibilities.
Taken along a state bike trail in a marshy area.
It could be Johnson Grass that hasn't opened yet.

Johnson Grass
[taken alongside a creek bottom]

Wild Parsnip...
don't mess with this stuff...

I did use a machete to cut a lot of
this down where I walk along
our creek bed on a cold wet rainy

Nanny Berries?
I noticed them last fall but 
didn't think to try and ID this bush.
[found on our road]

Red Elderberry
found on West Ridge Trail
at the Kickapoo Valley


I had a hard time with this one, it wanted to look like Wild Oat, but then I recalled that my neighbor told me he planted Rye and some Oats along with other seeds I didn't know.

It seems the spiders liked it just fine though!

Grass Ballet:

In the cool morning breeze,
the grasses sway
their movement like a dance.

The beauty of grasses are invisible
unless one stops to watch
them perform their silent ballet.

Breath deep, 
and let the dancers
amaze you.



  1. And you are also a poet! I have elderberry bushes all over the place. One day I'm going to get to the flowers soon enough and make elder flower cordial. Of course I've been saying this for at least 15 years!

    1. LOL, I tried...not sure it is real poetry. I've been in a mood this week ~~ with profound soul searching.

  2. It's good to do soul searching. Lovely greens!

  3. Great photos and identification! Stay cool!

  4. Elderberry jam/syrup is great on pancakes! We had the black ones in Creston but I haven't seen any around here.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      LD I am not good at knowing grasses at all. My neighbor guy thinks I should know weeds that come up in the yard. I really can understand why they call it bottlebrush.

    2. We just have the black elderberry around my place, I was surprised to find red ones! I need to tell my neighbor who wants the berries and the flowers!


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