Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Me Time?

Charlie and I usually go out once a day to check on the fencing situation in the woods. We follow the path that was made by a dozer a few years ago. Since then, trees have fallen here and there across the trail and we either step over logs or go around the fallen trees.

The undergrowth is now in full force in places making it nearly impossible to just wander about off any path.

When we followed the mule trail to the creek, I saw a doe nursing her fawn. I stopped and told Charlie to sit. [Yeah, he just stared at me like I was speaking in tongues.]

The doe startled and ran off. Her fawn immediately dropped to the ground and became a statue.

Charlie and I headed off in a different direction so mom could come back and get her 'baby'. 

We eventually climbed down into the dry run.

This is what it looked like a few days ago with the heavy rains we had:

This is what it looked like when Charlie and I visited it yesterday:


this is Charlie on watch, pretending to be my photography assistant. When in fact, he was just listening for his nemesis, the CHIPmunk. While I was setting up some Toy Photography, Charlie slipped away apparently on some sort of mission.

Imagine a dog who is 7 inches tall disappearing into the understory of the forest without a sound.

I couldn't hear his bell or see him. I called and called and hollered 'Cookie' as loud as I could, then I beeped his collar and buzzed him. I climbed up on rocks and took a plastic bag out and shook it [plastic bag noises almost always gets his immediate attention as that means Treats.]

Darn that dog! He is so bullheaded when it comes to the chase. He believes he is 7 foot tall and fearless. 

 After a few minutes of me thinking about freaking out, he came climbing up over the rocks and sat down next to my feet. He looked up at me with ... I swear... a grin on his face.

In the meantime, I had been setting up Homeless Joe and Dog. Looks like they are enjoying the nice weather also.
I don't think Dog likes this puddle of water. Joe seems distracted by something.

Thankfully, I can still get to parts of the creek without a machete, but it might be a good idea to take one along next time.

I decided to take this shot and call it--->

Me Time.

My walks in the woods in the mornings are my quiet time, my me time, and a time to regroup and get ready for the rest of the day.


  1. Nice relaxing time....until Charlie pulls a disappearing act! Naughty boy. Your me time photo is perfect.

  2. That fawn peeking out is a cute photo! We should be seeing fawns here soon from our resident muley herd.
    Hopefully with all that rain drought won't be an issue this year.
    Oh Charlie.... that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you can't find your dog/horse/mule is awful. Little rotter, grinning at you!

  3. Oh that little rascal! So glad he slunk back proud of himself.

  4. Oh Charlie, your nose almost got you in big trouble! I am glad you get some quiet time to regroup! :)

  5. Anonymous8:06 PM

    You and Charlie! The perfect team. Lori


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