Sunday, June 16, 2024

Buggin' is Distracting

Well, searching for grasses leads to searching for wildflowers

leads to finding cool insects...

leads to being more curious about everything...

and then I forget to do other important things like...

leaving the cleaning for later...laundry maybe can wait....

But then I get back at it. 
You know, mowing, cleaning, making supper stuff, hanging out laundry...

and then I stop and see... 

the bumble bees...

working on the sage plant flowers on the porch...

a little bit later, I drop my basket of clothes and sit to watch a Red Admiral..

he/she is fluttering about on a Forget Me Not flower...

another flutter-by...attracts my

a Silver Spotted Skipper...

A cardinal swoops into my view and now I have to sit on the porch bench and watch him...

I go back to grab the sheets off the line and checked on my shady wildflower garden. I have to stop again...

more time watching and wondering...

I find the Ultimately Coolest Bug ever...

on a Coreopsis flower...waiting...waiting for a victim...

The Assassin Bug or
Ambush Bug

I watch this insect and wonder why no one has modeled a science fiction creature after this amazing looking insect.

close up...cropped....

I spy...

another type of fly...

on a Hosta Leaf...

time to get back at it...

beds to make, laundry to fold..

but dang, buggin' is a lot more fun...

If it were not for my dad, I may have never picked up this hobby...


  1. What a great hobby! Good on ya!

  2. You find so many interesting things! Happy Father's Day to Rich!

  3. This is great weather for all kinda bugs!!

    1. Yes! I get distracted by buggin'. I lost my buggy young partner when she moved, but I still enjoy going out and looking!


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