Sunday, December 24, 2023

Ghosts of Christmas Eve

No matter what, Christmas brings about feelings of both joy and sadness for so many people. When I first met hubby, he said he didn't like Christmas very much. It reminded him of spending Christmas in Vietnam away from his family.

My mom would grouse often about Christmas for something that happened in her young life around that time of year.

Dad. Well, I don't recall Dad ever complaining about Christmas. He seemed to be enthralled with the lights and ideas of gifts for his family. He let mom take care of the shopping and wrapping, but he took so much joy in watching us on Christmas morning. I'm sure mom did too, but she was also in charge of doing all the cooking and prep work.

As a parent I rejoiced in seeing my kids open gifts and the surprise on their faces. 

Back then, when my ex was on duty as a firefighter we celebrated Christmas when he was able to be home. Santa made exceptions for Firefighters, you know.

On many Christmas Eve's when I was home alone with the kids, I'd pick up the phone and sit in front of the Charlie Brown Tree that was so lovingly decorated with paper rings and homemade ornaments along with regular glass balls. I'd call my father in Virginia and have a glass of wine while we chatted. I recall putting the glass up to my eyes to see the tree and lights through the wine and glass. It sparkled with magic.
I'd relate that to Dad and we'd talk about 'stuff'. Not important or life altering stuff, but just stuff. 

Now over 30 years later, I can look back on Christmas Memories and smile at them and feel a bit sad also.

I do miss those conversations with my Dad the most at night while sitting and looking at my Christmas decorations. I often have a pretend conversation with my Dad so he can catch up on all the latest in my life.

So my Dad is my Christmas Ghost. I want to share with him all the fun I have enjoying the lights, the trees, and of course the fun I have making 'scenes' to photograph. [Dad was my inspiration for photography].

We had long discussions on the use of light, focus, and composition.

From Promises to Keep:
Transiberian Orchestra known as TSO:

And so it's good that we remember
Just as soon as we've discovered
That the things we do in life
Will always end up touching others

Tonight, is no different. 


  1. Merry Christmas Val! Your home looks so festive. It is good to reflect on memories that played a part on forming who we are.

    1. I sure didn't want to make anyone sad on Christmas Eve with this post, but I did want to fondly think of dad. He was so chill and laid back about most anything in direct opposition to mom.
      I do miss our conversations we had even though it has been about 18 yrs since we last talked.

      He did influence me so much, however I didn't realize any of that until he was gone.


  2. I am happy for you, having these warm, beautiful memories of your dad. Merry Christmas my friend.

    1. Your post regarding your DIL reminded me and inspired me to say these things out loud. I hope you have a quiet and peaceful day today. It is raining here! Mudsville!

  3. My dad loved Christmas too. Maybe because he was an only child, but we were a big family- 7 girls, 3 boys- and I have lots of fond memories of our childhood Christmases.
    Cherished memories are not sad things. Bless you and your husband.

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM

    What a very sweet post. Hope you day was special this year too.

  5. I'm glad you still have these talks with your dad. Merry Christmas!

  6. Our Dads are just a thought away! Christmas is not my favorite time of year, always seemed so hurried and rushed. My Mother would always invite neighbors and friends over to our gift opening on Christmas eve so we never had real family time. Then Christmas Day was always at my Grandparents.

    1. Christmas is weird. I get excited for it and love all the decorating and whatnot. Then the day comes and I am like...what is the big deal?
      One year I got stuck on my way home for Christmas at a friend's house [blizzard] and it was one of the best Christmas's ever. Unplanned and just sweet how I was included as a wayward traveler.

      At least ours is not rushed. Just full of quiet which is okay too.


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