Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Of snow angels, clouds, hikes, and puppies

Dot is growing like a weed.
This morning I took her for a little walk. She had to get up and of course smell the camera. Everything was so exciting for her.

I took out an old basketball and rolled it down the driveway.
She was in utter puppy delight.
Then I had a dog swap ... and put on my backpack.
Morris and I headed down towards our section of the creek to see what we could find. Morris did some 'snow swimming' in the open fields.

We found some gnarly roots in the side of a snow covered and rocky bank of the creek. It was an alien looking landscape ... the water was frozen and hidden under a layer of snow.
I took a photo of the snow and trees then ducked under it. I reached up with my hand to balance myself and ...
dumped snow down the back
of my neck.

I had to laugh. I really knew better to do that. But the effect was a bit 'awakening' if nothing else!

When I got home I had to assist my husband by opening some electric gates so that he could put hay in for some of the young mules.

As I waited, I decided to be absolutely silly...
and make a snow angel.

As I lay on my back in the snow, the clouds caught my eye. Something was interesting about them. I pulled my pocket camera out of my coveralls and snapped a shot.
When I downloaded them and then edited it to black and white something caught my eye...

What do you see in the clouds? I see images of women? Of Cloud Angels?

Sort of eerie isn't it?

Fun filled day...I'm ready for bed now!

Morris was correct, we had a day of adventures.


  1. Now that is a very fine snow angel!! The clouds are amazing too, great photo!

  2. I forgot to mention that the first photo of Dot the pup is wonderful ...great composition with your shadow leading up along the edge of the picture. Love those nosy little puppies...


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