Monday, May 20, 2024

work work work

In our yard we have one very rough spot to mow. 
Last week, hubby's mower was in the shop and I mowed the yard with a little mower. In fact I mowed most of it twice last week because it grew so much.

By Wednesday my hands felt like someone had smashed them, crushed them, drove over them, and stomped on them.
I looked at this section of yard which is incredibly rough with little gullies and a hill which requires ones to push and pull the mower back and forth and said... I'm going to fence it.
He said: No. No No No.

If I let them graze it to the bare bones, it would save me hours of pushing, pulling, and cussing. And my hands would thank me.

He gave me a look. And replied that fencing that section would be too much work.

So I offered him the little mower and said I'd follow him around carrying his Oxygen if he wanted to hand mow it.

I got the look of a thousand blades.

And then I fenced it despite his protests.

I made a gate from their pasture into the area....and they walked in. Immediately they began to work.

I enjoyed watching the 
all natural self driven lawn mowers. 
They weed and feed at the same time.
And they don't charge you an arm and a leg.
They don't complain about the working conditions ...

And sometimes, they make nice Yard Statues.

It took them 24 hours to crop it short. And yes, they could walk out of there into their regular pasture which they did often. 
It was kind of them not to leave any manure in the yard.

When they were finished, I disconnected the hot part and coiled up the lines to use again this summer. Hubby was surprised just a little at how nice a job they did. I took the little electric weed whacker and trimmed the weeds they didn't eat. 
The job was done with little effort on my part!

The next shot is my Spring Garden and Shade Garden. I didn't weed it last year due to the drought and this year the weeds had a hay day while I was busy with other things.

The garden is full of Daffodils, Virginia Bluebells, Star of Bethlehem, Hostas, Irises, some ferns, Japanese Iris, a peony, and Phlox.
In the spring it looks so nice when it starts to green up and the little ephemeral flowers appear.

And if it isn't weeded, it looks like a mess or some sort of disaster.

The pile of wood belongs to a neighbor of ours, they helped clean up a fallen tree last year and stacked the wood there for later. The weeds and grasses were so bad, I could barely see the individual plants!

I ended up with 4 carts full of grasses, creeping Charlie, nettles, Bedstraw [sticky!], and saplings.

I love making bouquets early in the spring with all the iris flowers and mix it up with some Peonies. After the spring, the Hostas grow and do their thing.
It isn't a well organized garden at all. I just kept tossing plants in there as they multiplied in other spots.

The NOAA has sent out a statement warning of warning of some very severe weather heading our way on Tuesday. Potential of heavy rain, flash floods, hail, tornado, and strong straight winds.

I guess I can say I won't be doing any yard work for a couple of days. That's okay. 
I have plenty of indoor work that needs to be caught up on.


  1. HA! As if hand mowing it was not too much work! The mules are good girls. I have the same look in my flower beds. Mark cleaned up two of them yesterday. We are also in for some weather.

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Your lawn mowers are adorable! You work so hard!!!!! Lori

  3. I had to laugh..I am sorry...the vision of Rich mowing and you carrying his O2 was too much for me! Glad you put the mules to work instead!

  4. I am so glad you got it fenced. Your poor hands!

  5. Gotta love those automated mowers! Much easier than using a cantankerous machine.
    Your flower garden sounds delightful.


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