Friday, May 31, 2024

Interesting Times

Interesting times

I'm just leaving that up there because yesterday afternoon I was actually glued to watching History being made.

My thought is this. I couldn't get a job with a driving infraction, or any kind of arrest or charge at my last job. Yet a criminal can run for the President?


Meanwhile in my little succulent garden...

It looks like an invasion of Lego Aliens!

I really should get a copy of this next week:

A man of convictions....


  1. It makes zero sense that a convicted felon can run for president and then hold the office. We got problems. I so want to see in real photos what the New Yorker has on the cover.

    1. I agree, zero sense, but those who wrote the constitution never imagined a criminal running for office.

  2. As happy as yesterday's news made me, I am realistic enough to know that it means nothing. Not to him or his supporters. And by the time he grafts money for appeals, he will be 100 years old. But it still made my day.

  3. The news channels have him on all the time, so they will elect him.

    1. Unfortunately, they feel he is news worthy. In a way, he is since nothing so awful has ever happened before.

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    How can so many people think he has not done anything wrong? Now we are all supposed to wait for the Election Day start of a new civil war. Too bad he and his cronies can't win on their own merits and have to make big threats in between spiting out misinformation and lies. They are not remotely willing to work across party lines for the benefit of the people they represent. And can you imagine mouthing off about the judge who is in a position to sentence him? He is quite sure the Supreme Court will bail him out of anything he does.

    1. Yes, interesting. One of the other interesting facts is that as he has felonies on his record, many countries would not accept him traveling to their country.
      How does that all work?
      It makes no sense for him to break so many laws and get away with it.


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