Sunday, May 19, 2024

It's Dandy Time

Some see a weed.
Some see a wish.

Who loves Dandelions?
Not everyone.

Those sneaky little yellow flowers turn white and then spread their fluff all over the place!

The flowers heads duck when you mow over them and then spring back up after you have passed. Those Dandelions are the bane of so many suburban yards. People fight like heck to rid their yards of these bright yellow spring flowers.

Of course, I don't care. Once spring is over, they aren't as noticeable and their foliage is green, just like the rest of the yard.

But for a couple of weeks, they are out there glowing in the morning light and their seeds of fluff blow everywhere.

Dandelions are just little weeds that want 
to be loved like other flowers ~~~
Heather Babcock

Be like a dandelion
Scatter dreams in the breezes.


  1. Dandelions are vital for pollinators where I live because they're one of the earliest sources in spring. I leave them alone and encourage my neighbors to do likewise.

    1. Indeed they are but many places frown upon having dandelions in the yard. I don't think they are an issue at all. I like seeing them.

  2. I love them so much! Fred Groundhog thinks they are great!

    1. My pony prefers the flowers when he is grazing in the yard!

  3. Dandelions are one of the most medicinal plants ever! I remember once when we were little, my dad was out of work and we had no money for food; mom had us kids go pick dandelion greens which she boiled up for supper. Same with lambsquarter. Weeds are food too! Dandelion root, flowers and leaves are all edible. They are doing some kind of study atthe University of Waterloo in Canada on it's cancer fighting properties. The root, I think.

    1. I agree! So many people have no idea what they can eat that grows as weeds! I eat lambsquarters and dig parsnip roots in the spring. Very tasty but still wild food.

  4. Great photos! I personally like the dandys:) I would not make a good city dweller:)

    1. When I am a suburban dweller, I will secretly grow dandelions in my back yard garden so the wish sticks can fly and be free!

  5. My youngest granddaughter and I make dandelion necklaces! We need a good crop, lol.


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