Friday, May 24, 2024

Once upon a time...

Musing on Aging by Sandra made me think a little about how we change over all the years. We do age and it comes as a surprise to us in many ways.

Can we recognize all the changes we've had in our lives. How do we see aging now? Well, when I was in my 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's, I didn't even think about aging. I was really just working, living and busy with other things in life.

When I was a kid. I didn't think about adults. Grandma Pearl was an old adult. I mean, Grandma's were considered old. That was just a fact. 

Me with the glasses at my Aunt's house, I think. Yes, I started life with bifocals.

School photo and shot that my dad took when my brother tied me up in the yard with jump ropes. Sometime in the 1960's.

I have many shots of me growing up, but that isn't the point. Here I am in the shot below in my early 20's with my firstborn son.

Years later with my first born grandson.

2020 during the Pandemic. Self portrait of looking out the window. I don't like photos of me, but this was done for a class.

Last 4th of July at the track with my grandson that was in the above photo.

I like the photos of me when I was young much better than the photos I have now. But it is what it is. 

Lastly, a shot of me this week at Mobility Class. We have all ages doing this together. Tory is next to me, she was the little girl who rode last week at my house.

The other folks are in the 40's and the gent is in his mid 60's.

How about recognizing those who grow older and change with age? Some folks change a LOT. Some don't.

 I looked up one of my previous foster sons just for kicks. I'd last seen him while he was in high school. He now runs a business and I wouldn't have recognized him at all except there was a photo of him on his SM page of his teen years. 

People change, some people don't change much.

Inside me? I don't feel changed at all. I can see the effects of aging outside on my skin and changes in my body. But in my mind I don't feel really that different. I seem surprised to find out that I am not quite the same person I was in my early years. 

I know people see me as aged and older. 

I used to freak out at photos of me that showed my wrinkly beat up skin. Funny, how we reach an age or reach an attitude where perhaps our once youthful looks don't really matter any more. 

I am who I am now and I am okay with that.


  1. Wonderful post. It does take a while to feel comfortable in a different skin. And to recognize the changes. I am still shocked when I see photos of myself, but it is a little less startling. And I am starting to let family take my photo. I think I am realizing that my grandchildren only have known me as I am now . . . I can live with that.

    1. Me too! I am more comfortable with photos. After all, it isn't going to change. We become aged, just plain and simple.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Ahhhh. Looking back. We all age differently, and you are still so strong and active! Farm life has many positive effects on women in so many ways. Lori

    1. Being active does help a lot. I have been lucky and have gone through my injuries and come out on the other side determined to stay active. Hopefully I can do that for a long time yet.

  3. You're lovely. Great bones, it shows. I don't worry about looks other than being clean! Other people have to look at me, good luck to them.

    1. Ha! Working in the woods and sometimes in mud...I've looked pretty darned grungy. But I finally got comfortable with myself and who I am and am not. I'm no glamour person at all.

  4. As well you should be. You have aged well, strong and vital. That is so important. I also was in glasses as a youngster. I was teased a lot. I used to hate photos of me when I was younger. Now I look at those compared to now and wonder what was wrong with me! I know what you mean about what is on the inside. I am the same in many ways as I have always been. I just look different. BTW, love the photo of you holding your baby boy.

    1. Hah. As a kid I got teased too for glasses. But I usually won the fight that ensued. That photo is a favorite of mine too.

  5. You are a strong beauty Val! That photo of you in the glasses is just precious! Wrinkles and grey hair are earned. You cannot ignore aging you just have to go with the flow and hope for the best:)

  6. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I love reading your blog. Yours and Far Side are my absolute favorites! Thank you. Elaine


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