Sunday, May 26, 2024

My friends

Some days I get the best of jobs to do.

Two of my neighbors on the ridge were not home for part of the weekend. I got to visit with their animals and help out with them.

Rupert and Tijo belong to the neighbors at the top of our hill. They are friendly and such well behaved dogs. My neighbors sometimes take trips where they don't take their dogs [and cat] so they ask me if I don't mind helping out. I'm always happy to take care of their pets. 

They have tried to offer me money or some sort of compensation for caring for their critters. I've refused. After all, the husband has helped out by doing chores when we went to Kenosha for the weekend and when large dead oak fell down over the fence last year, he was right there to help cut it up.

Be good to your neighbors and they will generally reciprocate. 

Years ago we had folks that lived in that house that were not nice neighbors. We've had 5 different families live in that house in the past 28 years. Only once for 4 years, did we have folks we didn't get along with. I'll leave it at that. We ignored them, they ignored us.

Anyway, here is Rupert on our sunny Saturday morning walk:

Rupert is carefree, he is the essence of doggy happiness. He is joyful at all times. He bounces and just begs to be loved and show his undying love for humans.

Here is Tijo, the serious one. Although he seems reserved and aloof, he really isn't. He is a Baesenji mix. They are known for being a barkless dog. He is curious, quiet, and very affectionate. I've never seen him have the zoomies like Rupert. 

He is stunning.

Since they know I carry mini dog biscuits, I am also their best friend on our morning walks. I walk with them so I don't loose them. Since we are surrounded by hundreds of acres of farmlands and forest, I don't feel comfortable just letting them out.

They walk with me along a dead end road and do their business. I give them plenty of time to sniff and explore and then shake my baggy of treats and they come running to follow me back to their home.

I think the neighbors think it is a burden for me to do this. It isn't. I enjoy their company.

My other neighbor on top of the ridge was in the hospital giving birth to their second son. Could I check on their mini cow, Doreen?
Of course!

Doreen is a tame little cross between a mini bull and a Jersey, I think.

Say hello to Doreen:

I pulled grass out of her mouth to take her portrait, but as soon as I grabbed the camera, she grabbed some more.

Well, now ... this is her nature. Eat. Eat. Eat. 
She is doing what she does best and was giving my camera the stink eye.

This was my Saturday morning in the Dairy State. A walk along a dead end road with my pals who were great company even if they had nothing to say.

Sometimes, animals can be the best pals.


  1. Often animals can be the best pets. Beautiful doggos. I often took care of a neighbors chickens, alpacas and lambs for years, until they moved in 2019. It was a good Saturday morning in the dairy state.

  2. Oh that Doreen is a looker for sure! Animals can be the best company! Nice of you to be neighborly!


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