Friday, April 19, 2024


 Hubby and I are taking a weekend trip. This will be the first time we have traveled together on a mini trip since ....

well, 2007???

My job that I got in 2008 took up most weekends and I rarely got any time off unless it was well planned and almost always got called in. Trips became non existent after that. Most 'trips' were to the Mad City VA Hospital and I don't call those a get away.

I convinced him to accompany me to go see his newest Grand daughter in person. This trip will probably be a one-off. I don't see him doing it again as he is adamant about being home bound.

He has agreed to try it.

Things that are different now if we go anywhere together.

Organize meds. Bring 02, bring extra 02, bring the concentrator, CPAP, and all the various hoses. 

The drive time will be around 4 hours or so with or without pit stops. He is used to my driving now since he quit being able to drive after his stroke years ago. 

It should be maddeningly interesting to have the back seat driver next to me while driving through busy areas. I do it my way and he wants it done another. Hopefully, he will rest and snooze?

Charlie is going with us. This adds another dimension of complications and fun. Charlie hates the back seat but the front passenger side will be occupied. I have a new harness for Charlie that can hook up to a doggy restraint system that hooks over the back seat head rests. He'll have his 'car' seat crate stuffed with pillows so he can see out the window.

I'll have his doggy bed in the other seat so maybe he'd like that.

I've tried to figure out all of the angles for this ride. 

Seeing the newest Grand Baby will be a breath of fresh air and joy for him. It may be a taxing trip, but we are going to do it.

Best of luck to us! 

See yah....


  1. I know what you mean about all the "stuff" you have to take along but it will be worth it! Travel safely! I bet he is excited to cuddle the new little one! I know you are too!

    1. We made it! It actually was a joy to have him along for the drive. It has been years since he has been to Kenosha. 2004 to be exact. He enjoyed the sight seeing aspect 😉!

  2. Good luck and safe travels! You are preparing for an expedition and it sounds like you have everything in hand. I hope you have a marvelous trip and enjoy every minute with that grandbaby!

    1. So far so great! He is absolutely over the moon for little Rory! ❤️

  3. Lots of luck on your exciting road trip! It sounds like you have all the boxes checked. I used to do this very occasionally with my disabled partner including locating hospitals in route just in case. But we didn't end up needing them. Enjoy seeing the baby!

    1. It was really nice having him along. No back seat driving and wonderful engaging conversation except when he slept.
      Even Charlie behaved!👌

  4. Any trials during the trip will be well rewarded with seeing the new grandchild! I hope your travel companions (ahem! ) behave themselves.

    1. So far, it has been smooth sailing! He is beyond happy with seeing Rory 😊😊😊!


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