Monday, January 04, 2021


I'm just going to put these shots up from yesterday.

Mother Nature really outdid herself with the Hoar Frost....

Boy was it incredible!

And the fog looked like it would let up this afternoon, only to swoop in again this evening.

Hoar Frost. My favorite, but 3 days of it? Wow!


  1. The past couple days have been a photographers dream, everything becomes a photo when covered in white. So much, that I end up soaking it up instead of viewing it through a lens. I learned what we are seeing is actually Rime Ice not Hoar Frost. According to the weather gurus. Rime Ice occurs with dense fog, via cooled water droplets in air. Hoar Frost occurs on cold clear nights, when gas/water vapor turns to ice. I had no idea, and googled it. Really interesting! Looks like we get to enjoy another morning of it? I only got out yesterday for a short time. Hoping to see more today. Enjoy your white wonderland!

    1. Yes I saw that too. The old timers just call is Casing Weather for stripping tobacco. I was out pre dawn. And now the sunlight is just stunning!

  2. I love frosty days, so pretty!

    1. Sure was, even neater this morning! Wow!

  3. Never heard of Casing Weather, but I bet my hubby has. I went out pre-dawn and just got back from hours of walking around our winter wonderland observing, photographing but mostly being in awe and soaking it all up. I rarely stay out this long, too much to do - but this morning was time well spent. First just me, then I went back out to explore the other side of our property with the dogs. As much as I love moody fog, today was my favorite day this week - the sunlight coming up clearing the fog, backlighting and making everything sparkle was spectacular. Not sure how (or both?!) this mornings ice crystals were formed as it was foggy, but clear and cold (altho not at night) but I just call them beautiful!!

    1. It was beautiful most of the day wasn't it? We were lucky to have that weather even if it was dreary and then today it was sparkly...!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous :-)

  5. Awesome pics! Some of our trees were still covered today, but the sun has melted quite a bit. My camera never seems to capture it very well.

    1. I've struggled with it too. I can assure you that there were many shots tossed. But I felt like a kid with the sparkles today!


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