Thursday, May 07, 2020

There is Evil...

We know someone evil is planning to take over the world with this Covid-19 stuff.

The virus is real.
It is a hoax.
It can kill you if you are old.
Ahhh, that is how the evil 'them' are planning to get rid of the old folks.

Unless you are young and die from it too.

But wait, send the little vectors back to public school
where they can spread it to the teachers and families.
For the greater good. Or the great Evil.
Or discover how well you can educate your children at home.

Or discover how the kids are getting on your nerves and
you'd like to send them anywhere BUT home!

Wear them, don't wear them.
Wait. If you wear them with sunglasses then the
evil government can't use facial recognition on you!
Wear a mask!

Be kind to your neighbor.
Don't be kind to your neighbor.

A vaccine will implant us all with computer chips.
[Hey, that may be good for old people who wander off!
Wait, the virus will eliminate old people who wander off...or
it won't.]
A vaccine may save many lives.
So a vaccine is good.
Or bad.
Or evil.

This evil virus was created in a lab.
Or in a wet market.
It was released as a weapon.
It just happened.

Let's get back to normal!
Define Normal.

There was never a normal.

Then we get the meat of it.
[Where's the Beef! Vegetarians are behind this!]

I'm right you are wrong.
My opinion matters, yours doesn't.

Quarantine Fatigue.
Isolation Fatigue.
Stay at Home Anger.
Social Distancing - Isolation.

Now if you have gotten this far, you should know that this is written with a bit of sarcasm and 'tongue in cheek'.

I'm going to blame Creepy Baby and his Nefarious Frog Friends. They are at the bottom of this working in their crazy little lab.

Note: If you ever watched Pinky and The Brain you'll know where I got this idea.


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