Monday, April 23, 2018

About Birds

First let me say that I have never been a Bird Watcher.

However curiosity does get the better of me as my Grandmother was The Absolute Bird Expert.

We'd go fishing on Little Balsam. We'd sit quietly in the old boat and I'd listen to the water tap the side of the boat. I learned some very important lessons while fishing with my Grandmother.
Silence was a good thing. We could sit quietly for what seemed like hours without having to talk.

Listening to the woods around the lake was what I learned to do. My ears could pick out someone down the lake slamming a door to their cottage as it echoed across the water.
Sound traveled.

Grandma would tell me which bird was making the song we heard. I'd listen and could pick out the general ones but was always frustrated that I couldn't always see the bird.

Grandma Pearl taught me to listen. Often we'd be doing something and she'd say "Sparrow..." or "Black Cap Chickadee" or some other distinct voice in the woods.

So far this spring I have identified several birds by their 'calls'.
Eastern Phoebe
Tufted Titmouse ~ Peter, peter, peter! I do love its song!
Blackcap Chickadee
Purple Finch
Pileated Woodpecker
Redbellied Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Eastern Towhee
Barred Owl

I can't wait for the wren to start yammering at me and for the Orioles to show up and start to sing.
The Wood Thrush is probably one of my favorite songs of all.

The snow is just about all gone and the birds are finding food again.

Just color me happy.

One day I just might become a bird watcher instead of a bird listener.

1 comment:

  1. I started feeding the birds again this Spring, now they are eating me out of house and home!


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