Monday, July 01, 2024

Hot Air

In honor of Raette Reynolds
to help support stroke

Little Rae of Hope....
Rise and Shine Balloon Festival 
and Rally
Vernon County, Wi.

I've never seen a balloon launch in real life. This past weekend Little Rae of Hope and the Rise and Shine Balloon Rally had an event at our County Fairgrounds. They were there Friday night through Sunday morning and only got to launch on Sunday morning.

The rain and low clouds prevented them on Friday, the winds prevented them on Saturday. However there were vendors and other things going on at the Fairgrounds and it was cheap to get in. $5 for the whole weekend.

I went with my neighbors on Saturday to walk around and get ice cream. I decided then that I'd go back on Sunday morning. After all, I am an early riser so the launch time of 6am wouldn't bother me in the least.

15 seconds of the Fairground and a few liftoffs...

The colors of balloons are always so very cheerful. I could just dive into their colors. If I could have a room or house painted all bright colors I would. It isn't practical, but I just love colorful things.

I headed home after the last one launched. I could see a line of cars turning off on a county road to try and follow the balloons. I just went my normal route. According to the light NNW wind the balloons would drift over my township across the ridge tops. 

I was right, they did drift that way and I was able to pull over and take a few 'snaps'.

It was pretty awesome to experience. What a great way to end June.


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Surreal! Lori

  2. Those balloons are real beauties. That was a nice way to spend your morning.

  3. What a great morning, your photos are awesome!


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