Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fun Stuff

Have you seen the size of the Skeeters in the woods lately?

Just kidding. It is a Tetradactyl Lego Dino, I tossed some Dinosaurs in my camera back on my early morning walk on Sunday. I was hoping to get around in the woods before the bugs woke up too much and while it was still cool outside.

I'd been working on my Lego Challenge for this month. I did some fun shots for the challenge. I really enjoyed working on doing it.
Seeing the work of other photographers really was interesting. Some shots were meh and some were just SO WOW that it took my breath away.

I have a hard time creating a backdrop out of Legos for my 'scenes'. However, I am working on it. I like to just dump some bricks in a bin and start building in no particular manner. Ideas come as I continue to build and often, I will redo one build several times before I am satisfied.

These were my latest space efforts.

This is George, he is a space Explorer who is hunting Power Crystals. In the Lego land of adventures, many of the space sets come with little 'power' crystals that are blue. I thought I'd pick up all the loose little clear red pieces and see if I could 'create' something in red.

This is what it looked like on the kitchen table. 

I wanted a more 'spacey' type scene so I suspended a girl astronaut with a blue crystal in her hand.  I wanted her to be floating.

It was another fun try at making a scene. It is okay and not spectacular. I don't consider it a flop nor a winner. But worth the time and effort to learn how to 'float' a minifig. I used floral wire to hold her up and simply erased it out of the shot.

Finally! It looks like Francine the Astronaut found the motherlode of blue power crystals!

Again, this was a practice build and not really worth submitting. Personally I had fun building the scene and making it so colorful.

I will keep trying to make something awesome even though the contest is over. I know I am much better at finding places in nature to take shots of Lego figures and it is so much easier.

I can combine it with my daily walks [while warding off monster bugs!].

I think these shots turned out much better than the above ones, but then...I am a person who loves putting the minifigures out in the woods!

The walk in the woods and the dry run where I took a shot of the Dinos:

I guess I like to struggle with making 'things' up because it is such a fun distraction of play. I have walked the same woods and trails for 28 years now and enjoy finding something new each time I am out there.
If that includes silly things like toys, then so be it.

I'm not the only one either that does this! There are a so many hobby photographers that carry a toy, a teddy bears, or rubber duckies around just to place them in interesting places! There are groups of photographers on Flickr that just photograph and collect teddy bears! Or dolls...or anything you can imagine.

I do it because it brings me joy and keeps me thinking in creative ways.

So off I go today to do my chores, check my fences, grocery shop, clean house, garden, and see if I can find some time to think of something to imagine.

I really should set aside my Legos and perhaps take a Teddy Bear for a walk.

Why not? Anything is possible with a good imagination.

It's been a while since Bear and I have been out together.


  1. That is about the size of the mosquitoes! I like your nature scenes, they look realistic. I have never actually seen a Lego in person!

    1. Hmmm! Somebody needs to be sent a Lego Minifigure! LOL!

  2. Our mosquitos look and act exactly like your first 'squito photo!

    Nice job with the Lego challenge. You are very skilled with composition shooting in/out.

    Love the teddy bear shot! Looks like there is something lurking left of bear. Eeek! Run bear run!!

    1. I still have that Bear, he is my favorite of them all.
      The Lego challenges are fun and I generally get distracted when trying an idea.
      As kids we played with little plastic soldiers and always tried to 'set up' realistic scenes. I did that with my brother. We'd look at it from all angles and leave the 'set up' for days and then change the battle scene.
      It was fun.

      Thanks. Teddy was safe, it was just a mossy log that looks like a creeping monster!

  3. You are so creative Val! I like the outside scenes too but sometimes you are stuck inside because of the temperatures or bugs! I have seen some big skeeters:(

    1. Yes! More hot and very humid weather coming. I can deal with the cold much better than super duper heat and humidity.

      I think it is just fun to walk about and suddenly see a scene that presents itself.

  4. What a unique pastime, and you seem to do both aspects of it (legos+photos) very well. Thanks for the visit. It's nice to meet someone new.

    1. Thanks! Legos and photography just seem to mix well together as a fun past time.


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