Saturday, July 27, 2024

Happy Morning...

there was
the morning trip to the mailbox heavy fog that lit up the forest.
It looked bejeweled...

I came around with my packages and mail to the back door and got to see 
the first of the many sunflowers 
bursting forth with happiness and hope.

And then on my news feed an interview with Kamala Harris and some kids came up from 4 years ago.

I watched it and played it for hubby. 

Maybe it is my hope for our children, grandchildren, and our great grandchildren that struck me soooo much.

Kamala said this:

If you are interested in the interview here is the link:

I did want to be a teacher when I grew up because I believed in children. I still do. I believe in children and a good education.

This video set my tone for the day and I spent the rest of it happy and content.

I want kindness and hope for our nation not hate speech and negativity.

I feel hope...

We won't go back...


  1. Just love this, it brightened my day.

  2. Fabulous day! I love your bejeweled forest. I do feel more hopeful about life, too. Kindness. That's the key, Happiness and positivity. Let's all take a deep breath and work to make things better and calmer!!!!!!

    1. Kindness and a positive attitude is so much better than the alternative.

  3. With that glorious first photo, you didn't need anything else. But you did get more anyway.

    1. Thank you so much! I enjoy photography so much! :)

  4. Beautiful start to your day! Love the yellow flower!

    1. Yes, that sunflower sure brightened my day!

  5. We won't go back! We'll defeat project 2025.

  6. There is such optimism these days. Heartwarming.

  7. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Val, thank you so much for sharing this. It brought some tears, thinking about all the kids in this country. I grabbed and shared it. Lori


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