Monday, July 29, 2024

Fence Checking & Weird Stuff

Usually just after sunrise I head out to do a daily fence check. I can walk the meadow admire the changes each season brings. The grasses have seed heads and are waiting to drop them. 

The Queen Anne's Lace is beginning to bloom and the milkweed is just about done blossoming.

If there is a good morning dew or fog, I get to stop and admire my favorite spiders who start to appear in abundance at the end of July through August. Orb spiders.

Orb Spider shadow!!!

If I stand quietly just after dawn along our fence line, I can watch the deer emerge from the woods and cross the meadow to the east of us.

In another few weeks and up until gun season, I'll probably sneak out a few times a week to sit in a tree with my camera and watch for some does and bucks in velvet. It is fun to catch them on the trail cam but even more exciting to watch them in real time.

I collected some Queen Anne's Lace to dry while out walking.

I just love their beautiful patterns.

Down in the valley I found an area that had a curious slime mold growing all over the place. It seemed to grow at the base of little plants and small saplings. Odd, but not so odd because of all the rain and humidity we've had. It makes for perfect growing conditions for slime molds.

One of my favorite slime molds to find is fresh Dog Vomit Slime Mold. AKA: Scrambled Egg Slime Mold or Fuligo septica. It is hard to miss as it is such a bright yellow. The patch was very tiny. It probably only is visible for about 24 hours.

I was SO excited to find this tiny patch!
[I know, I am odd.]

We are coming up on the great months for finding all sorts of cool Fungi and odd things growing in the forest. I can't wait!

Anyway, this was my morning walk. Checking on my mules and checking on the fencing.

Have a great week.


  1. I remember the year we discovered slime mold for the first time, right in our suburban backyard.

    1. It can grow anywhere if conditions are right. I enjoy finding odd things.

  2. Your interests are wide and varied!

    1. It seems that I love anything visual! I could probably immerse myself in an art museum!

  3. Paradise on earth...
    a hug for you. The week is going to be great.

    1. Thank you! I do love the area we live in now.

  4. You had a good walk! Fun to see your photos and what interests you!

  5. Checking fences is very important. My dad had to do that on the farm in case some bull decided to cross the fence with no concern of what damage he was doing.

  6. Nothing as sublime as being a out and about at the beginning of a new day. All is well, until it isn't but each day starts afresh.


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